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After the call with her dad, Clementine looked at AJ with gleaming eyes. She looked at her brother as he smiled even wider.

"He's okay. Dad is... okay." The brunette says, sitting down on the couch as AJ sat by her side. "All this time, I thought we had lost him. And he's okay."

"When can we see him? He told me that it would be a while." AJ asked, looking to the brunette who shrugged. A smile plastered on her face. She wanted to scream her joy out for everyone to hear. But the time on the clock was noticed.

"Not sure kiddo. Let's go to sleep though. I'm sure we'll see him soon. He just needs to get up off his feet. But it's late and I need to take you to your new school tomorrow, so get ready for bed." Clem told him, yawning mid sentence as she waited for AJ to get ready for bed.

They went to his little fix of a room and AJ lied down on the bed. Clementine took a little longer getting ready. She packed up AJ's backpack for school and also packed some of her own equipment in her own bag. She then walked into his room and tucked him into bed.

"Goodnight Clem." AJ says softly.

"Goodnight my little goofball." She cooed, brushing her fingers along his hair and closed the door on her way out of his room.

Clem was feeling really tired all of a sudden and felt dizzy. Something she felt before. She tried her hardest to reach her bedroom. Feeling ill and finding the bed to be too far away. Then she collapsed on her floor. Closing her eyes and a new reality forming into her head.

She found herself at the loading docks. Seeing all of the parked boats side by side next to the surface. It was a pretty normal day and it looked to be around noon. Clementine then searched around for something noticeable. Anything clued for what she was there for. She stopped suddenly as her ears started to ring.

"No! Ple-ease! Stop, I can't! Aaaaaahhhhh!"

She could hear the screams in her head and was also able to track where the screaming was coming from. She led herself to a particularly old crew ship. It had a lot of patches on the hill of the boat to cover up some holes. Then the screaming kicked up again. But this time she heard it inside the boat rather than it impaling her head.

"No! Please, don't do this! I just want to go home!" A familiar voice begged to nobody that Clem can hear. And when she found her way to the captain's quarters of the ship, she saw the redhead, tied up and screaming. Nobody else was in the room but it sounded like she was in pain.

"Minerva?" Clem asked hesitantly. Not getting an answer from the redhead as she screamed in agony once again.

"Please! Stop. Don't do this! I'm begging you to please stop!" Minerva yelled, the brunette going closer to the tied up girl as she brought her hand up to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

Minerva jumped a little at first, then she began to cry. She noticed Clementine and cried more. Clem cut the bindings on Minnie's wrists and legs. She couldn't imagine what Minnie was imagining but it sounded terrible. It sounded almost like a pained memory.

"You okay? What was all of that about?" Clem asked, looking at her with concern.

"You saw it?" She asked jumpy.

"Well I saw you screaming. But as far as whatever you saw moments ago, I'm not so sure I see it." Clem said, watching how Minerva tried to stop herself from crying. "It sounded horrifying, like you were reliving something."

"Yeah, I was. From back at Delta." She said, sniffling into her arm as she tried to speak to the brunette. The memories of her past feeling heavy on the redhead.

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