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5-13 that was the score. Clementine had the basketball in her grasp, ready to run passed them and make a basket. She dribbled the ball in place as the other two slowly made their way towards her. She panted as she thought of a plan.

"You can't get passed us. We're team Texas." Violet said, causing Clem to laugh.

"If you say so." Clem said before running towards her and dribbling the ball along with her. She was inches away from the blonde before she bounced the ball under between Violet's legs and twirled around her body.

Grabbing the ball and dribbling it towards the basket on their side making her feel rewarded before she bounced the basketball to a dribble again. It didn't reach up to her hand again, it was removed and being taken away by AJ. He dribbled the ball to the opposite direction.

Clementine began to follow him and caught up to him quickly. AJ picked up his speed and laughed softly before the brunette surpassed him and turned around to face the boy.

"Nice job, kiddo. But you're not gonna beat me." Clementine told him.

"AJ, over here." Violet waved him over and Clem looked over, being caught off guard.

AJ passed the ball down to Violet and she caught it. Clem started her way over to the blonde but she had already taken her shot at the basket. Clementine stopped and stared at the ball. The flying sphere making way to the goalpost. The basketball hit the rim and then the backboard. Expecting it to go in, Clementine prepared herself.

The ball bounced off the backboard one more time before it missed the basket. Clementine darted for the ball but AJ was already there. Taking a step back, the boy threw the ball once more to the basket and it went through the hole. Giving their team another point.

"Five to fifteen now Clem. We win, just admit it." Violet mused, the brunette taking a swig of water at the nearby bench.

"Fine. You guys win. I'm beat." Clementine managed to say defeatedly. She sat down on the bench and looked at the two celebrating their victory.

"You guys wouldn't stand a chance if it was me and Lee on a team. We are undefeated champions." Clementine said as they grabbed their bottles of water too. Pouring the refreshments in their mouths.

"Yeah, dad did a lot of sports when he went to school." AJ told Violet. "He did basketball, football, track and field. He did everything."

"Damn. I wasted my high school years being the shy awkward girl who everyone classified as the lesbian kid. I never really joined any clubs or sports at school." Violet told them, looking at Clementine especially.

"I played baseball." Clementine told her. "I wasn't that good at it. I was off-field and rarely was able to catch anything to strike an out. I was really good at batting though. Honestly, I kinda miss it, playing."

"I don't understand baseball. Never really enjoyed it much." Violet said, sitting down next to Clementine and patting the bench for AJ to join them.

"I can teach you." Clementine said, watching the blonde perk her head up at the statement. "I-if you want me to."

"Sure." Violet said, making the brunette smile at the answer. She placed her hand in Violet's and locked their fingers together.

"I wish every day can be like this." Clementine said, leaning her head onto her girlfriend's shoulder. Closing her eyes and feeling the weight being lifted from her.

Violet silently agreed as she rested her head on the park bench. AJ kicked his feet onto the bench and began getting comfortable. He placed his head on Violet's knee and she looked at him.

Forever and Always (violetine AU)Where stories live. Discover now