Chapter Four

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In the night, everyone's asleep. But I lay awake next to Clarke, wondering about what Kezia said. Why was she fighting him? Was it beacause they were making fun of her? Or making fun of us? I don't know. When Kezia was younger, she used to get picked on because of her different coloured eyes. She would never cry, or even pay any mind to them. But one time, last year, somebody had made a nasty comment about June. Kezia went right over to them, and slapped them in the face.

Kezia has been getting in fistfights with Jack since she was eleven though. Even though when she was eleven, Jack was seventeen, she still fought him. And probably would have won, if I didn't pull her away in the middle of it. As she grows older, instead of getting more and more interested in boys, she gets more willing to fight them.

"Bellamy," Clarke murmurs. "Go to sleep. Kezia will be ok."

I have no idea how she knew I was up, but then again, she probably knows me better than I know myself. I gently shift Clarke so that her head is on my chest, and I kiss her head.

"I love you." She says quietly.

"I love you too." I reply.

Kezia is getting to be too much like me. It's going to get her into trouble. But it could get her hurt.

Reluctantly, I let my eyes close, and drift off into sleep.

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