Chapter One

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I walk into our cabin after hunting. Jasper is in charge of salting the food, and so are a few others.

"Hey, Bell," Clarke greets me at the door, smiling. She kisses me briefly.

"Hi." I say, kissing her back.

Our youngest daughter, at five years, runs up to me. She is in her pajamas. It's almost ten, and she's still energetic. "Daddy!" She exlaims, hugging me.

I pick her up. "Hi June," I say, smiling. Even at this young, she resembles Clarke. The same bright blue eyes, blonde hair, and smile. "What are you doing up?" I raise my eyebrows. She just shrugs.

Clarke takes her from me and sets her down. "Ok,"she says. "If you're going to stay up, go bug Kezia, not us."

June laughs and runs to Kezia's room. Kezia's going to love this. She's fifteen, and hates it when June bugs her, especially if she's drawing. I hope she's not drawing.

Clarke and I head to our room, and sit on our bed. Clarke tosses her hair into a bun and criss-crosses her legs on the bed.

"So," she says, facing me. "How was your day?"

"Good. We were able to get enough meat for the whole village," I reply. "How was your's?"

Clarke laughs. "Well, June kept running around like crazy, as always, and Kezia tried to beat some guy up."

"Why?" I ask. The thought of Kezia beating someone up worries me.

"She didn't say why. But I think it's because she's getting to be too much like you." Clarke replies, smiling. "I mean, she already has your curly hair and freckles, and one of your eyes, and now is starting to get your attitude."

Kezia really does only have one of my eyes. She has long, brown curly hair, freckles, and one brown eye. Her other eye is a light blue. Younger kids are always amazed, and even though Kezia doesn't show it, it annoys the crap out of her. She hates being treated differently.

"And what's wrong with my attitude?" I say, grinning.

"On you? Nothing." Clarke kisses me briefly. "On Kezia, it could get her into trouble."

Clarke is right. Knowing Kezia, if she got in another fight, it would turn out poorly for her opponent.

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