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You didn't notice how hungry you were until you walked into the cafeteria and became entranced by the smell. It smelled so good, and you were so exhausted you really couldn't wait to have some time alone. Kiyoko pulled you along to dinner, tonight wasn't your guys' night to serve dinner. That would be tomorrow night, so for now the two sat with the other managers once they finished in the cafeteria as if it were just any other day at school.

"So, (Y/N), do any of the boys pop out to you on any one team? This is your first time right? I'm sure all the boys are going to try and snatch you up." Ubugawa's manager, Eri, asked you as you were shoveling food in your face. Kiyoko was in the middle of talking to one of the Fukurodani managers so it was only appropriate to strike a conversation.

       "Oh, no not really. I'm not really looking to date anyone right now." You said, almost choking on your meat at the thought. Even if you did have a crush, you weren't ready for a relationship with anyone.

"Yeah right, it was kind of hard to miss the way your face looked after Kuroo blocked that ball during our game today." Yuki batted her eyelashes, "He was watching you way too long to not be interested."

      "Oh please, it's not like that. He was just being nice to try and save my face." You shrugged off the idea of Kuroo actually being interested. Almost on cue a freshly showered Kuroo walked in alongside Bokuto and Yaku. His hair was down and hung in his eyes with a towel over his shoulder. He was just in a black muscle tank top and black shorts but to you it was like he just walked in wearing a tux.

     "Are you sure?" Eri asked, catching onto the blush on your cheeks. You really wish you could stop it, why did you feel that way when you looked at him?

      "Yes, I'm sure. That giant dummy over there isn't doing anything but messing around." You said, eating now with your head down and a hand covering the top of your head, "I'm sorry to disappoint, but I'm just here to learn how to be a good Karasuno High Volleyball Team Manager. There's no time for a love story."

      "Well, we have all of our nights off after dinner. So if you ever wanted to pencil in some time for a Nekoma love story I think those would be good times." Yuki smiled, pointing to the schedule on her clipboard, "I'm sure Shimizu won't mind."

      "Oh stop it. You guys know how energetic our teams are, I'm sure they'll be doing extra practices and I should be there." You sighed, a part of you did want that lovestory but it just wasnt mature to think that way. Nobody is going to come sweep you off your feet. "I mean are you interested in anyone here?" You asked, changing the subject to Eri.

      "Um, no. Everyone here is just a bunch of sweaty boys." Eri scrunched your nose and you laughed.

      "That's fair." You said, trying to ignore Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Yamamoto who were having a far too loud conversation wondering what girl talk was like.

     After you finished dinner you asked Kiyoko if she needed anything else and to your surprise, she said no. But you needed to seize the opportunity and told her you were just going to skate a little around campus to clear your head and get some fresh air before the rest of your team would start practicing and she didn't seem to mind as long as you don't get in trouble.

    You almost leaped out of your chair at dinner, cleaned your plate, and put it away. As you were, you unknowingly became the center of a more interesting conversation happening not too far away at a table near the edge of the cafeteria.

    "Hey, now might be your only chance since she's away from the other managers." Bokuto nudged his friend.

    "Geez, why does everyone have a hand in my love life today? Everyone seems to think I have this big crush on (Y/N)." Kuroo said, leaning over his plate to put his chin against his knuckle as he watched you clean your plate.

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