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Although I told her that she can still call us her Uncle Brad and Aunt Gigi, Angel insisted that she call us 'mum' and 'dad,' since we officially adopted her as our child. After my wedding with Gigi, we were blessed with two more kids, who Angel happily treated as her siblings.

After a family roadtrip, we decided to visit my dad and Rocky before going home. Angel already talked to them, then it was my turn after she volunteered to take her sleepy younger brother back to the car.

"Look at her, Rocky. She's off to university. She has become exactly the lady you wanted her to be," I said, then I turned towards her tombstone and sighed.

"I know that you're watching and guiding us. I know that you and my dad are laughing at every stupid thing I do, which is totally fine, but, I hope that I've made you both proud. I thank you both for giving me the strength that I need to go on," I said, then I felt tiny raindrops falling down on me, which made me smile.

"I hope that those are tears of joy," I said, then the rain started to get stronger, making it a cue for me to wrap up and leave.

"Until next time, Rocky," I said, then I kissed my palm and rested it on her tombstone, tears brimming from my eyes as I waited for her to do the same.

Unfortunately, it's just not meant to be.

The End.

It's Just Not Meant To Be || Brad Simpson (The Vamps) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now