Chapter 3

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Hermione P.O.V

I got up this morning at around 8:30, I went downstairs to greet my parents, whom were not up for once...

'That's weird, they're always up before me..' I thought coming down stairs to see that no one was in the kitchen..

I was trying to make myself some toast, but I kept thinking about where my parents could be...

'They never sleep in, or stay in bed unless they're sick...' I thought maybe they were sick, so I was finishing my toast to check up on them when I heard something break...

I rushed up there to see what had happened, but I stopped right at the door when I saw my mom pacing and my dad talking to a strange man, their faces were wet from crying...

'Oh my god, they never cry!' I thought to myself noticing that I had started to cry

The man he was talking to had a long white beard with half moon glasses, he looked and even seemed like a very smart man..

I was looking all around the room, and saw the broken vase right by the foot of they're dresser..

'Who broke that?' I asked myself as I moved in for a better view,

I put my face closer to the door and I heard the old man say,

"I know this is painful for you, but she has to be told the truth some day Miss. Granger.."

"Hermione is a perfect image of her, what if she see's her picture in the halls? How will I explain that Dumbledore!" Mum said

" Miss. Granger, If you really don't want her to know we can take it do-.." He said stopping in mid-sentence because I leaned a little too close to the door and fell in the room

'Oh No! I'm so stupid!' I yelled in my head while I fell into the room blushing a furious shade of red on my cheeks

"Ah, Miss - Mr. Granger, Our talk has been cut short by the little one... We will talk in private later... Now then Ms. Hermione, don't you know better than to spy on your parents..." He said and winked at me

"If you don't mind, I will be on the main floor waiting for Ms. Hermione..." He said walking out of the room

"I'm so sorry mum, I thought you and dad were sick, but then I heard you talking to that man and-" I said rushed when mum pulled me into a hug..

" It's okay love, you're perfectly fine... That man is Dumbledore the Headmaster of Hogwarts, the magic school that you got the letter from, he came to pick you up this morning to get your school supplies at Dieagon Alley..." Mum said hugging me to death, when dad joined the hug

" Now go on, don't want to be late for the train do you?" Dad said and pushed me out the door with him and mum smiling at me

" What Train? " I asked dad

" You'll see it.." Dad said pushing me out the door

"Now dear, let's go.. " The headmaster said and we turned into smoke and went to Dieagon Alley...

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