Chapter Two

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Hermione P.O.V

I watched as Draco ran to the boats...

He's pretty cute, I wonder what house he'll be in.. I thought starting to walk towards Neville's boat..

" Hermione! Hurry up, the boats are leaving!" Neville yelled, motioning for me to hurry up.

The pace I had set for myself got faster as the boats started moving away from the docks..

" Neville I can't run that fast!! " I yelled at Neville hoping he would help me, as I started to stumble trying to catch my breath..

Someone came up behind me and picked me up, running towards Neville's boat..

" Who has me?!" I asked panicked, not because it's uncomfortable, because I don't know who has me...

" Why Hermione? You forgot me already?" Said the steady voice of Draco Malfoy..

"I had thought you were in a boat already Draco?" I said looking into his grey eyes

" No, I had gone over to the boats because my friends called me and made fun of me for running into you, because.." He said and stopped in mid-sentence

"What Draco?" I asked knowing he didn't tell me something

" Nothing, Hold on..." He said quickly

His speed increased and wind got brisker and colder as it hit my moonlit face..

" See you in Hogwarts Hermione.." he said and let go of me, and ran towards his boat jumping in..

"Bloody hell Hermione? Are you okay? Who was that?!" Neville asked staring at me

" Who was that loser, why did he throw you on the boat like a rag doll? " Neville asked again, not giving me a chance to answer his first question.

" His name is Draco Malfoy, and for the information Neville without him I would still be on the dock..." I said hoping I talked some sense into Neville

It was silent after that, I watched the fog with an uneasy feeling... It's so cold with the fog settling in, it felt so familiar, the uneasy feeling... I'm starting to get a little light headed, and whitest of the fog getting to me, I can't even see Neville any more...

"Neville? What's that?" I asked him as the fog started lifting, to see a black outlined figure...

The Castle... The fog was now gone and all that remained was Hogwarts...

The whole castle was alive with lights from every window and room. It kind of looked like something from a movie in the muggle world...

The boats slowly turned into one line going under the school, and to the docks...

" First Years!!! Pay close attention please." Hagrid said being the first one off of the boat.

Everyone was looking around and talking instead of listening to Hagrid, there was only about ten of us who were listening

" When your boat comes to the dock be careful not to fall, because the spell ware's off once you reach here, when you all are off the boats, walk up the stairs and stop once you see Professor McGonagall wait there for her instructions..." He said looking at all of us and summoned the boats to start moving towards the dock

Our boat got to the dock quickly, Neville got out first and held his hand to help me out of the boat.

" Thanks Neville" I said standing up, when the boat behind me rammed into the side of our boat causing me to slip into the freezing water, starting to drown because I can't swim..

" Hermione! Give me your hand! " A voice yelled being muffled by the water.

Searching for a hand, someone pulled me out of the water, but instead of seeing Neville I saw Draco..

" Hermione? You okay? " He asked helping me stand up

" Yea, I think other than you break my neck and trying to drown me by slamming your boat against ours.. I'm fine.. Really.. " I said trying to sound as pissed off as I was

" I'm sorry, really I am, I told those guys to slow down but being the baboons they are they sped up and hit your boat.." He said looking me into the eye

"Fine, now on a different note, what house do you think you'll be sorted into? " I asked doing a simple drying spell I had practiced about a week or so before school started

" I hope I'm in Slytherin, and if not hopefully I can change houses..." Draco said with a bit of hesitation. 

" What about you?" He said with a  bright smile

" Well, my parents said they hope I'll be in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, but I don't really know.." I said honestly.

" See you inside Hermione.." Draco said giving me a sweet smile before walking over to his friends leaving me alone.

That was... Nice.

As I walked up the stairs I could see Harry Potter and his friend Don or something like that... And as I walked up the stairs someone pulled on my robes, I turned around to see Neville smiling and standing right next to me..

" Neville? Where were you?" I said quite confused.

" Ha, I got on the wrong staircase.." He said rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

" What house do you think you'll be sorted in Hermione? " Neville asked me, I simply shook my head in response and listened to Professor McGonagall talk about the sorting ceremony and finally let us in.

The older years stared at us with unwavering glances waiting to see what house we'll be sorted into. And the great hall was truly, great... Floating candles, large windows, five tables one for each of the houses and the teachers table..

We all were gathered around the sorting hat when the first name was called...

"Hermione Ge-Granger.." Professor McGonagall said as all the students and her stared at me in awe when I started walking towards the hat, I sat on the stool and the hat was placed on my head..

'That was quite strange.. Miss spell or something?' I wondered what that was because afterward everyone else's was right.

'Ah, yet another Gene. I wondered when I'd be seeing you my dear.. Your mother was a fine Ravenclaw and your father was a brilliant Slytherin, and your sisters.. You my dear would fit in all of those... Cunning like a Slytherin, Patient like a Hufflepuff, Brains like a Ravenclaw, and Bravery like a Gryffindor...'

'What?! Siste--.' I began thinking before the hat made it's choice.

"GRYFFINDOR!!!!" The hat yelled and the Gryffindor table screamed with joy, as I went to go sit down by two red headed boys and a brown haired girl...

" Welcome to Gryffindor Hermione, My name is Melody Johnson I'm Second year, and these two are Fred and George Weasley there in their third year.." Melody said with a warm smile after that, Potter and Weasley and a few others were sorted into Gryffindor, and Draco was sorted into Slytherin...

For a few hours in the dorm bed I was wondering what the hat meant by my mother and father being in house's, and what did the hat mean sister's? Maybe I can find something in the library, but where would I look for ...

"Gah... It's my first day, and I'm already stressed.." I mumbled to myself as I turn on my side

With all my thoughts still floating in my mind, sleep overcame me and I fell into to a restless sleep...

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