Chapter 6

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🚨Warning!!!!🚨 This chapter contains the feels, abusive relationships. If you are sensitive to these subjects i suggest skipping the chapter if you skip please message me and I can sum it up for you. Continue at your own risk.
L/n= last name
F/n= Fathers name
M/n= Mothers name
Fe/c= Fathers eye color
Me/c= Mothers eye color
Mh/c=Mothers hair color
Fh/c=Fathers hair color
Y/bd= Your birthday
Y/bm= your birth month

On y/bd y/bm 1490 a beautiful baby girl was born to a Mrs. M/n L/n and a Mr. F/n L/n. The baby was born healthy and beautiful. Her h/c locks shone bright in the sun and her laugh carried through the wind like a blessing. Her e/c orbs eagerly watching the busy world. But as many know our world isn't a fairytale....things aren't always happy in the end.
Y/n's family was wealthy...very wealthy. Traditionally the family would pass on the wealth to their offspring but the rule of the island was it was to be passed to a boy not a girl. Girls were considered weak, items, and decorations. Therefore on her 18th birthday she was to be wed off to a man of her parents picking.

~7 short years later~

"Mommy! Mommy! Look at this worm i found in the garden!" Your small hands opening to reveal the small and scared earthworm.
"Y/n M/n L/n!!! What have i told you about digging in the garden? Stupid girl will never be married!" Your father cried out, swatting your hand roughly. Tears pricked at the brim of your eyes. "I-im sorry father! He just looked so cu-" A harsh slap rang through out the room.
"Go to your room...NOW Y/N!" Your father's booming voice echoing throughout the halls like thunder. Your tiny face covered with tears as you ran down the hall, cradling the worm as not to drop him. Your mother's wails could be heard as you ran. "Why were we cursed with such a horrendous creature? Why couldn't we have been blessed with a sweet little girl? Or better yet a boy!!"
The words stung your young heart, not understanding what you did wrong...why your parents didn't love you...

~Age 10~

"Stand up straight Y/n!! Your future fiance will be here soon! Dont you dare embarrass your mother and I!" Your father, as harsh as ever, swatted your back to get you standing up in perfect posture. Your mother grabbing your arm roughly turns you to her. Her eyes are bulging like a wild animal, her once beautiful features scrunched up in anger.
"Dont you dare speak unless spoken to! Understand you little monster?" She snaps wildly.
"Y-yes mother" you croak out attempting to not cry.
The moon was beginning to rise, the sun kissed land now laying down to rest. The dinner with your new fiance was terrible..he was a spoiled brat. He threw his food at your mother and called her a cow. She of course laughed it off. As did his mother and father...the fat and pigish creatures they were. Their son was a short and round boy, his hair sticking to his fat and sweaty head. His beady eyes bore into yours as he reached across the table, taking your supper.
He was vile and ill- mannered. The family soon left, headed back to their estate on the next island over.
"M-mommy? Do i have to marry him? He's rude and disgusting!" You immediately regret your words as her pale hand swipes across your face in a harsh slap. Causing your small head to turn at the impact. Her voice dangerously low as her dark eyes reach into your soul.
"You are lucky your father didn't hear those words child or you would have gotten a lot worse! You will marry him and you will like it! Do you understand you dirty little curse??" She spits those words, they feel like a knife to the heart. "Y-yes mommy" slowly but surely as you aged you began to lose your feelings, not finding the will to care anymore.

It was at this moment you made the most daring decision of your young life. When the lights went out and the house had settled you decended down the balcony. Your small legs pushed you forward in your daring escape. Pushing yourself harder than you ever have.
The rest of these memories is a saddened blur. Ship after ship you hopped, hoping to find a home soon. Your journey eventually brought you to the island of water where you met a young purple haired man.

Aaahhhh!!! This took so long to publish!!! Im so so sorry!! Ive had such bad writers block. This chapter was a little sad...and short... But dont worry my dears! Gracelyn has a new chapter coming asap!!! As always I love you all mah lovelies💕

-Gracelyn B.

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