Chapter 4

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Hehe, this chapter should be interesting... I really hated the Water 7 incident, i really like the Galley-La foremen. I was very disappointed to find they were bad guys😭.

Minutes seemed to tick by like hours. The fairly empty hall was filled with a deafining silence. A soft tap on your shoulder catches your attention and you look up to the mysterious touch. Kaku towers above you with a sincere look. "Y/n, he's gonna be ok. Have a little faith in him." He offers a small smile and goes to sit infront of the door with the other foremen.
Have a little faith eh? I'll try, thank you Kaku. You nod towards him softly and he catches your meaning. He offers another smile then crosses his arms and resumes his serious face. Kalifa makes her way out of Iceburgs room and looks over to you. "He wants to see you y/n." She smiles and opens the door some. Rushing up you scramble over and make your way in. Iceburg is propped up on pillows reading a book. He glances up as you walk in and smiles, setting the book onto his lap.
You can't help but let out a quiet sob seeing him like this. Rushing over you hug him the best you can without hurting his wounds. Burying your face into his exposed and partially bandaged chest. He lets out a 'oof' sound as you collide with him, smiling he gently runs his fingers through your h/l h/c hair.
"Always so emotional." His chest vibrates with laughter as you wipe your red puffy eyes, giggling. He scoots over a tad bit making room and pats the empty space, signaling for you to sit. Your face turns red as you climb up, laying sideways. He sighs and lays his head back. "I remember who did it you know. I saw who shot me." The words hit you in the face like a ton of bricks.
"People are saying the Straw hats." You claim, sitting up slightly and looking into his eyes. "Wellllll, yes. It was that demon girl. I know it was her, i know those eyes." He sneers at the thought and looks down on you. "Nico Robin" gasping slightly you sit up more.
"Are you absolutely sure? Thats a serious accusation." He lets out a hum and shifts slightly. "Ive never been more sure."
You lay back down and sigh again. "This isn't good." You state. He reaches his left hand over (you are laying by his right side btw) and grabs yours. "Stay with me for a while?" He down at your tomato red face, you nod slowly a shift to get comfortable. Sleep makes its way to you and soon claims you.

~Iddy biddy time skip~

Explosions....the ship was barred with a endless attack of explosions... The judicial ship.....where Tom was to have his trial revisited. He had FINALLY finished the sea train, so close to close....
A fleet of small familiar ships paraded the waters, launching attack after attack on the large marine ship. Franky was yelling about something as Tom and Iceburg ran towards the scrap yard. Your ears rang as you too followed them. By the time you arrived you saw them on some of the small ships. 'Those are Franky's ships' you thought. A few more ships charged over the horizon, all you could manage out was "watch out!" Before the few enemy ships launched an explosive storm upon Tom and Iceburg. Screaming you ran to the waters edge, upon the sinking ships you could make out 2 black lumps struggling to the shore. Emerging, Tom dragged Iceburg onto the shore dropping him and then collapsing himself. A large harpoon stuck out if Tom's chest. Racing over you patted his cheek and yelled his name. When he made a slight movement you rushed over to Iceburg and lifted his head gently, setting it on your lap.
"Tom! Iceburg!" Franky bounded down the stairs leading to the scrap yard. "Tom! Iceburg!!"
His voice faded slowly, new voices made their way to your ears. Not opening your eyes you recognize it to be Paulies and Iceburgs voice. Their conversation ends abruptly and Paulie rushes out. You furrow your eyebrows slightly and listen to the now silent room. Deciding everything is ok you relax and try to sleep again.
As sleep makes its way back to you a creaking noise in a far part of the room wakes you right back up. Iceburg frantically shakes you awake, attempting to sit up 4 mysterious arms knock you on the floor and hold you down. The arms are coming out of the floor, your e/c eyes widen as Iceburg tumbles down with you, arms holding him in place as well. A black haired woman stands above you both.
"I wasn't expecting you to have company Iceburg." She states and looks down upon you.
"Leave y/n out of this Nico Robin! She has nothing to do with this." Iceburg spits. So this is the demon woman Iceburg spoke of. You think. She raises an eyebrow at his words and pulls out a gun. "Then maybe she shouldn't be here" she laces her words with poison and points the gun at you. You try to pry yourself from her grip. E/c eyes widening as she puts the gun to your head. "N-no please." Your breath hitches, Iceburg is yelling at her buy his words are unclear to you.
A searing pain races through your left shoulder, the sound of a gun echos off the walls. Screaming you arch you back as the pain courses through your whole body. Tears roll down your face as crimson liquid spills from the wound. "Y/n!!" Iceburg screams and jerks around, attempting to free himself.
"They'll decide what to do to you when they arrive" she states, her arms retract from you both. Your hand immediately reaching up for the wound. Hissing at the contact. Iceburg reaches over are holds you softly as tears stream down your face. He kisses the top of your head and whispers softly to you. The main door to the room is flung open.
"I thought we said not to shoot him yet" a deep voice questions.
"I didn't shoot him, i shot an unexpected visitor." Nico Robin puts her gun away and points down at your weeping figure.
"Y/n??" One of the masked men questions. "What the hell is she doing in here?"
The masked figures reach up to their masks and tug at them.
"No use in wearing these now, considering you two will be dead soon."
Your e/c eyes widen as you glance at the now revealed terrorists. Gasping you open your mouth to speak "H-how could you...?"

This chapter was quite long....oh well. I really like this one! I know this story is far from over but if y'all have a request for my next book, lemme know. As always, i love you all mah lovelies!❤


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