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"It's been twenty minutes!" I yell. "I can't sit here any longer and keep wondering if there is someone in my fucking bed with her right now!"

"Just chill out," Edwin says.

"We can try and go back now," Brandon says. "It's starting to clear up a bit."

"Then let's get out of here," I say.

The five of us get in the car and Austin slowly starts to drive back home. It obviously takes longer since it's storming pretty bad still.

Once we get to the house I go inside and I'm literally soaking wet, but I don't care. I see Maggie, Ansley, and Kayla all watching a movie.

I grab the remote from the stand next to Maggie and I turn it off, "What's your problem?" Maggie asks.

I turn and look at Kayla, "Is it true?"

She sits up on the couch, "Is what true?"

"That you've been cheating on me!"

She stands up, "What, no? I would never do that to you!"

"Lies again," I say, "They all saw you, Kayla. They saw you with that man and you came back home with hickeys all over you."

"I don't know what you are talking about!"

"Kayla, are you seriously going to lie to him right now?" Ansley asks, "You literally admitted it like two days ago to us."

She rolls her eyes, "Fine! I've been cheating, but it doesn't matter. I'm sorry, but we can work it out." She starts to step closer to me and I quickly back away.

"Don't come near me," I say as tears start to roll down my face, "I'm not fixing shit with you!"

"But Nick we love each other!"

"No," I yell, "I love you. If you loved me then you wouldn't have cheated on me. You clearly don't love me like I love you."

"Bub, that's not true."

"Don't call me that," I say.

The lights starts to flicker and then they go completely out. Damn. This situation can't get any worse, can it?

"I'll go try to fix it," Zion says. "Where are the basement keys?"

"No, I'll do it," Kayla says.

"You don't even know what the fuck you are doing," Zion says, "Does anyone know where the keys are?"

"Hanging up," Edwin says.

Zion starts to walk to the basement, but everyone else stays where they are. I'm not done talking to Kayla.

"Why?" I ask.

"Why, what?"

"Why did you do it? Why did you feel the need to cheat on me after I gave you everything, huh?"

"Because you hate me," she yells, "We are always fighting and you never showed me attention."

"That's because you have been acting so different!" I yell back, "This isn't the person I fell in love with. You can't blame me for getting mad because you know yourself that you've been acting up too."

"Whatever, Nick," she says.

The lights turn on and then I hear Zion yelling in the basement. "Nick! Get down here now!"

I roll my eyes and I walk to the basement. Kayla follows behind me and I don't understand why. I don't need her to follow me around like a little puppy.

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