•𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖞-𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊•

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"I was just about to call you," coach spoke, waving me over to the couch.

I sat down, still confused as to why they were all gathered like this , especially this Carlos guy.

"apparently, this nigga has something to tell us..." Coach spoke, nodding towards my brother.

"he wouldn't start without you though, and now that you're here," he paused and glared at Carlos, "speak."

After releasing a sigh, My brother did just that, "It's my father, Rodrigo, I Um, I think I you guys are gonna want to see this..." he spoke.

My mouth dropped slightly, and as I looked around both André and Mr.Jay wore the same expression.

Coach on the other hand, he looked unimpressed.

"what are you talking about?" He responded simply, crossing his arms over his chest.

"back before my dad left, we had this estate here in LA, it was attached to the boating company, but after my he 'died' my mom signed over all writes to the company, which ended up just giving my dad full control since he never died anyways."

"get to the point..." coach said lowly.

Carlos sighed before speaking.

"My moms been checking on the estate, yesterday we found out there was a break in on our property. Surveillance shows that it was a group of masked men, dressed in all black." He continued pulling out his phone to show us the footage.

We all gathered around to watch as Mr.Jay spoke up, "I'm sorry this happened, but I'm not seeing what this has to do with Rodrigo, or us..." he questioned.

"just-just keep watching, please..." he pleaded.

So we did, and after a while, it's as obvious the people that broke in didn't what to take anything, all they were doing is destroying stuff.

What made our hearts drop was watching each masked man spray paint our names on the wall, all of us, even Carlos.

After that they looked at the security camera, dead at it before backing up and allowing a different masked man to walk through.

All they did was spray paint a red line through each of our names, symbolic of something I didn't really want to think about.

That was it though, after that l, the footage stopped, leaving us in a dead, empty silence.

"so he knows--about you being in contact with us?" Mr.Jay asked.

"apparently." Carlos sighed lowly.

"how?" I spoke up finally.

"I'm not sure to be honest, I haven't heard from him in years, even after he was taken into custody and we found out he was alive."

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