Truth or Dare Cullen Style

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Hiya people haven't wrote since last year. Ya I know it's a long time. I want to make a new years

resolution. I won't go without updating for more than 2 weeks unless nobody comments or likes my

story:( And I will except any ideas or add/fix my story. I want to hear what team you guys are on.

Team Edward. (Boo!) Or Team Jacob (hotness). Oh yah i think I've done everybody's point of veiw.

But I've taken a liking to Nessie's. Tell me what POV you guys want to here from.

ness POV

Dad was unusually calm. I wonder if Mom was blocking our minds. “Dad? Dad can you hear me?” I asked in my mind. He just grimaced, but was looking at Emmet. Jakey shrugged and pulled my shirt off. I was thanking my lucky stars that I was skinny.  He then grabbed my pants and took those off to. If I wasn’t a heater I would have been cold. Jake was staring at me intently. My family has seen it all before so I wasn’t worried about them. But with Jake staring at me like that I felt self-conscience. I asked him, with my hand, if I looked okay. “Superior,” he said. I grinned. “Dog, do you like your head. If you do then stop looking at her that way.”Dad threatened in his velvety ice voice making it twice as threatening. “Thanks Mom,” I said. She just smiled and nodded, “You’re welcome baby”.

“Are you still blocking me?” I asked. “Until you say not to.” she replied. “Dad truth or dare?” I challenged him. He grinned that weird grin my mom somehow found adorable. “Dare Ness,” he said just as I planned him to. I pretended to think for a while. I concentrated on being clueless for Jasper. “Uhh, umm, I dare you to let Jake have a sleepover with me without bothering us.” I said wickedly. He gasped; he truly didn’t expect this out of me. Being around Emmet must have had a bigger influence on me then anyone wanted. Alice laughed her tinkling laugh. Jake grinned. Dad looked ready to lunge at Jake so I put my hands around him protectively. Mom looked like she was trying to do something difficult. Dad smiled and grinned. “Jake,” he spoke, “truth or dare?” “Dare Mr. Edward sir,” He said so formal. Like he was meeting my strict father in permission to date his daughter. “I dare you to kiss Bella.” He said grinning evilly at me. What, no, that’s so not fair. Jake was grimacing as he prepared to lean forward. “Wait what is the consequence if I don’t” he asked. “You have to sit nude throughout the rest of the game,” Rose said matter-factory. “No it’s PG so in your boxers,” argued Alice. Jake stripped down to his boxers. Mmm nice. Bet Dad didn’t think of that. “Jasper, truth or dare?” Jake asked. “Truth,” he said. “Are there any girls you have kissed than Alice?” Jake asked. Alice narrowed her eyes. I could almost see her revenge. Jacob in designer clothes for the rest of the week. “Yes,” Jasper said. He took one look at Alice and rephrased. “Only Maria and some human girls but none of them compare to my Ally.” “Bella truth or dare.” he asked. “Truth,” she said. It was weird having my mom; one, look the same age as me; two, be called Bella. “Ok who are the people you’ve kissed besides Edward?” he asked. “Dad, Mom, Ness, Alice, you, Rose, Carlisle, Esme, have all been on the cheek kisses and Jake was the only other serious kiss. Ugg, it still disgusted me that Mom dated my boyfriend. “Stop! Everyone bad at acting out! I’ve got to go and distract Esme, you guys convince Carlisle he’s crazy. Especially Emmet since it’s his dare.” Alice constructed. I grabbed Jake and got the heck out of there. Well tried before Dad asked if we wanted clothes. So we changed and then got the heck out of there. I didn’t want to watch this. Plus Jake sucked at acting.

truth or dare cullen styleWhere stories live. Discover now