Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Bonus Chapter

Damon's POV

I knew something was wrong the minute I saw Tristan's wedding ring by our bedside table. Things were a bit strange at first considering that I had first kidnapped Tristan and then forced him to marry me.
Many people don't actually believe me but I did it because I had genuine feelings for the man.
The revenge I got on his father was just a bonus but honestly finally being able to call him mine was enough for me.

I thought he would never easily return my feelings but sooner rather than later Tristan completely gave himself to me.
I know he might not admit it or say it a lot but I know somehow he also fell in love with me. Maybe even more than I did.
Tristan was the perfect one for me. We were so much alike and he was the perfect Donna.
Just as ruthless as I was with the same desire for power and control. He was never meant to be a subordinate but a rulemaker by my side.
I was finally trully happy and I had everything I needed and desired. I knew he was on the same page and felt the same way.
Everything was perfect.

This is why when I saw his ring by the bedside table at first I was confused. When I then realized what had truly happened I was broken.
How could he just up and leave when he promised me he would never do that.
He knew my deepest darkest fears but he didn't hesitate to break the one promise I had asked from him. I almost ripped open the whole of world searching for him.
Only when I decided to approach his friends did I get an answer that I dreaded to hear.
It would have been better if he had been kidnapped or got into an accident.
But the truth ripped me apart as easily as one would rip paper.
He had left me. He had willingly left me and ran away.

I guess I was wrong about how he felt.
He was just pretending to love me while waiting for the right time to reclaim his freedom. They all told me to just let him go but it wasn't easy to ignore the desires of my heart.
My only one desire.
"Damon I'm sorry. Tristan is just mad about his dad" Shane had informed me.
I didn't plan for Tristan to find out about his father the wrong way. I knew he would be angry but some idiot had ruined my plans and separated me with my love.
"I don't care. Even if you don't tell me where he is. I will find him and drag him back and make sure he can never leave me again." I lashed out in anger.
"Damon wait. Please just...just give him some time. He needs to grieve and process everything. And after everything is said and done if he truly loves you he will come back to you. Don't force him because all that will do will make him hate you" Shane said but I wasn't willing to listen.
I couldn't just wait for him to come back to me. What if he never came? It would mean so much that I wasn't ready to believe.
I couldn't imagine a life without him.

A few days later I found him.
He had moved halfway across the world with a new identity and life. I was ready to drag him back with me but then as I stood outside his house I heard him.
He cried so hard that it felt like I could literally hear his heart breaking.
Was that me? Am I the one who had broken him so much? Did I have a right to drag him back when being with me was never his choice. From the beginning I had forced him. Into this marriage. Into this life with me.
Was I being too selfish wanting him to be by my side always.

I stayed a few more weeks watching from the distance.
He was sad and depressed and spent most of his days indoors. But I didn't have the courage to approach him. And then one day he calapsed on his way to the store.
I made sure he got to the hospital safely but Shane had visited and begged me to leave. I didn't want to but I finally listened.
That evening I went to the house to see Tristan one more time and for the first time in a long time he was smiling.
And that's when I finally left.

I didn't want to but at the same time I didn't want to be the reason he lost his beautiful smile.
If I had known at the time that he was happy because he had found out he was pregnant with our son I might have stayed. I would have worked harder to make us a family again. This all could have happened sooner.

Now I'm pacing in my office and I'm crazy nervous.
I had met Dominic already when I saved him from his kidnappers but Tristan was finally officially introducing us. I don't know if I'm ready to be a father or if I will ever be a good father.
I can build you a bomb, shoot any target, hack sofisticated computer systems and so much more but I'm crazy scared I'm going to mess up being a father.
I already missed 5 years of his life meaning I have so much to catch up on. I don't blame Tristan for our separation.
I should have explained to him what had happened without giving someone else a whole week to tell him the wrong version of the story. I'm just glad his back to me and he came with a small bundle of joy.

There was a knock on the door which caused me to freeze on one spot. On the second knock I took action as I composed myself before taking a deep breath.
"Come in" I said loud enough for the person to hear.
The first thing I saw was Tristans smile directed at me before he turned to our son whose hand he had held as he led him in the office.
"Mr tall man" Dominic screamed with joy as he let go of Tristan and ran up to me before hugging one of my legs. His action warmed my heart and I couldn't help but smile.

"Mummy this is the cool man who saved me from the bad guys" he said as he let go of me and turned back to Tristan.
"I know my baby. But there is something I need to tell you" Tristan said as he crouched down to his height.
"What's that mummy?" The little boy asked with his head titled to the side. He was just too adorable.
"I'm sorry for keeping you apart all this time. Baby ...Mr Tall man is actually...he is actually your father" Tristan said as a long silence followed.

We both looked at Dominics reaction. He looked confused before he looked at me, then Tristan, then me again.
I was literally holding my breath when finally a huge smile covered his face.
"DADDY" he screamed with joy as he opened his arms for me to carry him which I did not hesitate to do.
"You're not mad?" I asked.
"No. Why would I be mad? I just found out my daddy is the coolest tallest man in the world" he said with joy making me smile.
I looked back at my husband and he gave me his beautiful charming smile which I had missed so much.
It took 5 years of waiting but finally he came back to me and now we are complete.



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