Chapter 17; The Ending.

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...Years Later...

After the basic war of the over world, we opened our gates to the world. The ruins were renovated and turned into housing and eating areas, my people lived both above and under the water and I stayed in touch with the small village east of us. After that night with the god of death he branded my skin with the mark of a god on my chest. I see him every few months with my daughter.

I sat on my throne, bored and tired. A festival was coming up and preparations always was straining, I've gained the respect from my people over the years and they grew to trust me. I'm still unmarried but I have no plans to, and the kingdom has its heir so no one is pushing for it neither. My daughter was 10 she developed her magic a week ago and constantly lighting up her skin with a beautiful red glow. Her eyes were a bright gold, her skin was (S/T), and her hair was a muted (H/C). She was adorable. In the back of my mind I thought of the chance of her going through what I did but I taught her from an early age how to control her emotions.

My throne room door was opened and I saw her run in, she jumped up on my lap. "Hi, sweetheart." I laughed a little and kissed her head.
"Mom, guess what!?" She said full of excitement.
"You found beautiful coral in the backyard?" I think and she shakes her head quickly.
"Nooo! Guess again!"
"Umm, you saw a baby sea turtle?"
"Nope! Wrong again!" She laughs and jumps up.
"Okay, I give up, what is it sea-flower?" She stands proudly next time me and points are the door.
"I saw, Dad outside!" And on cue the door opens revealing him, "and a letter from your friends saying they were coming to visit on something like that."

I stood smiled, he swam over and hugged me. "You were supposed to come one for another week! Why are you here?" I was happy but wanted answers.
"I got done stuff earlier than expected." He laughs a little and looks down are her.
"Dad! You are back! Look my magic color is the same as mine!" She cheered lighting up, I myself sat back down with my trident that he gifted me. But every time I did touch it a did glow up, oddly enough.

 But every time I did touch it a did glow up, oddly enough

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He smiled and rubbed her head, "Yup kiddo." He smiled a little, he walked over to me and kissed my cheek gently. "So, I was thinking how about we all go on a trip like a real family. You know I would like to get to know my daughter more, spend more time with her then I get to." He said talking to me directly, I sigh a little.
"Then how about you and her have I fun time, I have a lot left to do and I'm so tired already." I run my fingers through my hair, thinking.
"But mom! You never do things with me anymore!" She pouts pulling my on my hand gently, I give a sorrowful smile and shake my head I little.
"I can't, sea-flower, tomorrow I promise." She sighs and agrees walking off with her father.

I stand up and swim to the servant tunnels and exit to one right outside my room. I open the door and sigh swimming in. As I sit on the bed, I begin to cough violent, small amount of blood gets pushed into the salt ocean. I cuss under my breath and lay my head down, darkness welcomed we as I fell asleep on my pillow.

"You can't keep hiding your illness from her, my love. Your time is coming to join my side in the trenches much sooner then either of us would like."

(So! That's the end of this book, I hope you enjoyed it, I'm so happy to see all the love and support everyone gave it, it means the absolute world to me. As a wannabe writer I try my best, feel free to read any of my other books (except my old ones. Plz don't) I had a joy writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading this. Have an amazing day and take care this is the last time I'll be writing this book. Signing off; Faith.)

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