Chapter 3; Sunbeam Flower

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...Years Later...

I stood at the fountain, I lower the bucket slowly. My eyes check around me and I move the water into the bucket and smirk, I raise the bucket back up.
"(Y/N)!" I jump, releasing my control.
"Oh, hi, Mal!" I smiled gently at her. "How are you?" I hold the bucket in my arms.
"I'm fine, how about you?" She moved her hands to the front of her, her own bucket swings in front of her body.
"I'm fine, just getting water for Grandma." I smile from ear to ear. "I'm going swimming later, are you coming today?" I say moving from her way.
"No, not today, my mom needs help with Sammy." She sighed.
"Is he still ill?" A frown tugged on my lips.
"Yeah... he is and he seems to only be getting worse, he refuses to even eat anything." She left out a shaky sigh.
"I'm praying for him." I say gently, "I should get going though... Trying seeing if Gran has herbs to help.."

She merely nods, as I bid her goodbye. I slowly walk back to Grans house, I watch as more ill walk the streets. "Damn this illness..." I mumble under my breath, I open the door and see gran dapping a cold cloth on a woman's head. I felt sadness pull on my forehead, "I have the water, Gran." I say sitting down on the floor beside the couch, I grab the old bucket.
"Thank you, dear." She smiled softly at me.
"Anything else you need?" I ask standing up.
"Can you go in the forest to get a flower called sunbeam? I have a book open to it in my room." I nod and walk into her room, my feet walk to the bed. I grab the book, then mark the page with a small piece of cloth.

After I left and entered the forest with Jumble sitting on my head, I read about it as I walk. "Found near swamp like areas," I mumble, "it's called sunbeam for its yellow see through petals, that when hit with the sun creates a yellow stream under the plant," I snap the book close and put it in my satchel. "Do you see it, Jumble?" He only tweeted in response. "I'll take that as a no..."

I walk into a swamp like area, I manipulate the water to make the surface dense enough to walk on. I look over to a beautiful and glistening, Jumble flew over to it. I walked over and looked at the book, "to harvest this flower, cut the stock from the middle so the plant can regenerate faster." I mumble, I put the book back. "Okay! Let's get this flower!" I move the water into my palm and make it form a sword like shape, I swing the sword leaving a clean slice in the center of stem. I catch the flower before it can it the mud, a glow left the stalk. "Cool." I surrounded the end of the stem with water to preserve it as I walk back, my eyes look up. "It'll be sundown when I return home." I sigh, Jumble landed on the flower.

I've been walking for an hour and it was pitch black in the forest, my markings glowed to give me some light. I'd been in the woods all day, a heard a twig snap behind me. I turned around quickly, I did see anything. "Who's there?" Jumble woke up from my shoulder, tweeting. "Shh..." I said looking around.
"Why are you out here?" I heard a confused tone ask, I didn't know how to respond.
"I-I was getting something for grandmother.." I answer as a short blond hair kid walked close enough for my glow to shine on him. "Why are you out here?"
"I'm just walking." He shrugged, "now," he got really close, "why are you glowing?"
"U-Uhh.." I couldn't come up with a lie, I glance at Jumble who was hiding in my (H/C) hair.
"How long have you been walking?" He asks.
"All day."
"Come back to my bar, you can sleep there tonight." He started walking off, I sighed and followed him. 'Wait HIS bar!?'

I stood in front of this bar, it looked quite odd from what I was used to seeing. My stomach growled, I groaned a little. 'Damn.' "Come on in!" He smiled walking in the bar. "Oh, I'm Meliodas by the way." He called from inside. I followed him in. "I'm (Y/N)." I answered, looking around the bar.

He took me upstairs to a small bedroom, "thank you, Meliodas." I say gently. Jumble sits at the window, I open it. I needed to rest I don't know how long my magic could hold out at this point. A place my bag down.
"Not a problem, (Y/N)." He smiled wide, we bid each other Goodnight.


I stared at my young, floating self, I started to hear the voice again. "What should we do with this... child... my lord?"
"Send her up."
"B-but my lord, she may be a kil—"
"Brand her of her crimes and let her fight for her survival. She's too dangerous for my people."
"O-of course sir..." 

(Art by me)

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(Art by me)

I wasn't accepted among my people no matter what I did! Even after the incident, they only cast me out, to die on the surface! But what they didn't know was that I'd survive for 10 years on my own... alone with no one to guide me through life.

...End Dream...

I sat up and sighed rubbing my right shoulder slowly, 'always sore...' I mumble, I felt refreshed... but hungry. It was early, I had no idea how long it was to home. I grabbed my things and left, I put a note on my bed saying how grateful I was but I had to move. I let Jumble sleep in my hand as I walked back. Mildew covered everything which was nice, yawns escaped my mouth periodically, as I walked.

I entered the little village, I see people crying in the streets, Damn it... another death. Someone looks at me and I saw the pain in their eyes, then I heard it, words that made my heart break. My legs moved without thinking, I ran into her house, slamming the door open, the old hinges snapped off. I go to her open door and froze, gran laid on her bed, not breathing. Two men of the village grabbed my arms gently, I felt so many emotions running through me. "She died in her sleep... it was a peaceful death." Tears fell from my eyes, my knees were weak. My mind was racing, my mouth failed to form words, I pushed them from me. I kneel down beside her bed, I slowly pull the flower from my bag, my hands shaking. I gently lay it on her chest, my hand grabbed hers. I began to ball, the only person I saw as family was ripped from me again. "We'll give you some space." They left the room.

As I sat there, my tears started to float and skin glowed brightly. My white eyes shifted to (F/C) matching my glow, the humidity of the room increased. I felt this anger fill me, I wiped my tears and stood up. Slowly calming down, the door opened and everything quickly returned to normal. They looked at me concerned; I pushed myself passed them. Jumble flew down to me as soon as I entered the outdoors, Jumble handed on my shoulder. I walked straight to the well, my eyes still glowing. "(Y-Y/N)!" Mal called out to me, without thinking I closed my eyes, I felt all the water start to raise.

Gasps ringing out, a smirk crossed my face and I turn suddenly opening my eyes. The density changes in the water as it shoots across the sky slamming into the ground leaving a crater that was six feet deep. The water lifted back up, it went into the house and gently engulfed her body. Tears started to fall again, everyone gathered around the hole. I slowly walked over, a blanket was held above the hole. I gently placed her in the blanket, I let the water soak into the earth. The lowered her body; letting the blanket cover her form. I focus harder and move the lose, wet dirt into the grave. Closed my eyes tightly, letting out a shaky breath when I finish. A bright light shoots up from her body, flowers sprout all of the being the sunbeam flower. "She believed that that flower could cure the illness spreading." I said as I turned around, "cut from the middle, give it plenty of water. It's going to rain tomorrow, collect the rain." I said walking back into the woods.

"WAIT, (Y/N), COME BACK!!" Mal yelled running after me, she grabbed my wrist.
"Let go." I said darkly, she let go slowly. "Goodbye, Mal.." I whispered walking away, she just stood there watching me leave. I didn't want to be in a place where I'd have to see the grave of her everyday, so I left and decided to find a city to live.

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