Chapter 10; One Step Closer

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I smiled a little and grabbed my cloak, "see you soon." I say softly.
"As to you, and you should not show the marks of basic treason to the other townsfolk. Some may recognize them, not all though." My eyes widened completely forgetting about them. I quickly throw my cloak on, I couldn't believe I let my guard down so much. I held my cloak closed and held everything I own under it.

I leave the house with them all waiting, they looked up from their resting places. I walked by them not saying a thing, I was embarrassed and just wanted to run from the situation.
"What the hell is up with her?" I heard Ban ask someone. I watched people looking at me, my hood sat down in front of my eyes.
"(Y/N), how about you slow down? Come on, did we get what we needed?" Meliodas chimed from behind me, I sighed a little.
"Lets just go." I mumble loud enough for him to hear, I could feel the stares all around me.

When we finally leave the town, I stopped abruptly. "Elizabeth." I look at her, she nods a little.
"I need a change of... clothes... do you have any spares?" I ask timidity, my eyes looking at the ground.
"Oh! Yes, I do. You can barrow them if you wish!" She smiled and clapped her hands to the side of her now tilted head. The others looked puzzled, they probably would come to the wrong conclusion if I didn't answer.
"I had to swim and my dress is soaked, I need new clothes."

I felt ridiculous. I was in a that stupid "working" uniforms, all my marking were clearly visible. I rubbed my shoulder and side wishing they were only paint. I walked out my face slightly red, I grabbed the potions and studied them. No one was in the main room at the moment, I sat at the table looking at the liquid. "Whatcha thinking? Is it what we need?" Ban asked from the door, I don't look at him flustered.
"Yeah, it is." I say trying not to sound as uncomfortable as I was.
"Great, how long will it last?"
"A few hours, but I'm not worried about you drowning." I smirk a little and let out a soft laugh.
"It probably would still hurt you know." He said sitting down.
"Oh, I'm aware of that. It's rare but people do drown back home, typically is due to birth defects. It's a horrible thing to live through." I say looking out the window.
"Damn." Was all he said in response.

It would take a few days before arriving at the coast line, from there I planned to make a pocket of water for everyone to easily glide on. I sat on the porch, petting the head of Jumble. My eyes were closed as I was focusing on my magic, ever since the garden I've had the strongest urge to return to the ocean. I've had an urge to be in water since I've been on this new land but this was different, it wasn't just a want or a the need for comforting, it was a strong need. Every cell in my body sparked with the thought of the sea covering my skin. "I wonder what I can do now." I mumble and look down at the tiny bird in my lap. Jumble tweeted and nuzzled his face against my hand. "Should I open it?" I ask him quietly, he looks and me and flaps his wings tweeting away. "Fine, fine, I'll open the channel."

I slowly went into a meditative state, I focus on everything around me. I felt the currents of water seeping through lose soil and sensed the water leaving the earth returning to the atmosphere. My guard slowly dropped and I was pulled out of reality, I felt peaceful. My skin tingled, my body warmed up, and my senses enhanced. I listen to the wind blowing through the trees, I feel the vibrations of mom's walking, and even the subtle warmth of the wood decking under me felt nicer. But fear quickly consumed my mind as the sensation of blood circulating through living creatures becomes very apparent, I shut the flood gates of my power. Suddenly the quick change in magic knocks the air from my lungs and tenses all my mussels. My eyes shoot open and my nails dig into my legs. Eventually my body relaxes and I feel my body become fatigued and unresponsive to my commands. My legs stung from the small cuts that I accidentally inflicted and my shoulder felt so heavy.

Jumble tweeted and tried to peck at my hands to get some movement, "i-I... am... fine." I slur out, my mouth barley being able to form the words a wanted. Jumble tweeted and climbed my body like a tree, he sits on my shoulder and nuzzles my face trying to comfort me. My eyes slowly close as my fatigued state overwhelms my mind and body.

...King Boreal's POV...

I sat in my throne room, my eyes looked over the stone columns and accents. The room was grand and held some pristine tone, guards lined the outer edge of the room. Above was a large clear crystal class letter the sun rays seep through. Suddenly the large stone doors open to reveal a pale green skinned man with short white hair and bright yellow eyes. He was the courier. He swims in haste and bows deeply to me. "M-my King!" He says quickly and I growl at his insolence.
"Do not speak without permission, low-tear!" I growl out and he stands up slowly and nods. "Now, speak, what do you have to say." I tap my claws on the arm of the posh throne.
"Of c-course, your Highness, the criminal is still at large. B-but, that could mean that she didn't m-make it to the land!" He adds quickly, avoiding my eyes, I felt my anger grow.
"That criminal is a monster, if she has survived this long she is still alive!" I pound my fist on the arm rest cracking the surface slightly. "Out with you, low-tear. I need time to think."

He bows and leave the room in a rush, I stand and swim away, I travel down a long passage way. I stop in a little room, algae covers the walls and steal bars. My eyes rest on the inhabitant of the small decomposing cell. "That girl will die, she will not be my family's downfall." I glare at the woman before me and she starts laughing at what I said.
"She'll take down you and your kingdom if she sees fit, her coming of age is soon and you don't know where (Y/N) is. She has her mother's will and her father's spirit, she'll do just fine." Her wrinkled face grins as she sits on a small driftwood cot.
"We'll see about that, you old witch."

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