bonus chapter: Y/N's problem

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Okasis Prep

3rd pov

Y/N is right now leaning against a wall as a Meif'wa with purple hair walks around the corner "Hello Prodigy" he said as I slightly glance at him

"Alastor" I say as I get off the wall "what do you want" he smiles showing his sharp teeth before he disappears and reapers in front of me

"I was just wondering what the teacher wanted you for" he said as I notice Peter standing off to the side still chewing on a bone as Willis is standing behind me with his arms crossed and Atlas stands next to him silent like always

"What does it matter to you" I say as he laughs and puts an arm on my shoulder

"Come on, can't a guy be concerned for a friend" Alastor said as my strand of hair turns red and he lets go to avoid the fire that appeared where his arm used to be "whoa big guy" he said not at all concerned that he was almost burned "no need to get violent"

"Funny, that doesn't seem to be the case" I say holding a sharpened bone that Peter threw ate my eye in one hand while in the other I had Atlas' wrist "you also need to teach your allies who their friends are" I say as smoke comes off of Atles' back who doesn't look bothered 'good thing I used him to block the shot I don't want my uniform to get burned' I look at Willis who has smoke coming out of his mouth

"Ah yes we're working on that"Alastor said as I shove Atles away from me and throw the bone back at Peter who catches it "now what is it that the teacher discussed with you"

"none of your business" I say walking past them thinking about what my teacher told me


"Now Mr.Obsidian" He said as I sat at a desk "I'm sure you know that when we accepted you into this school we asked for all info that was important so we could understand your situation" I nodded as he continues "well I'm sure it comes to no suprise that I would like to ask that you control yourself if conflicts should ever arise you have a bright future here and I don't want you to jeopardise it"

"Yes sir" I say just wanting to get out of here

"Good now run along" he said as I walked out of the room

End of Flashback

As I walk to lunch and sit down I see Alastor, Atles, Peter, and Willis sitting off to the side "god damn shadow knights" I said under my breath 'I hate how assholes like these guys are in practically every school' I thought as I sat down at a table by myself "ugh I feel like a edgy teen" I say as I start eating my lunch

"Hey buddy" Alastor said sitting down next to me "how about we sit with you for a bit, right boy's" Peter sits across from me with Willis as Atles sits next to me

'I just want to eat' I think as I put down the sandwich I was eating "what do you want Alastor" I said as my wolf ears and tail pop out causing Peter to growl

"Now now Peter no need to make a fuss" Alastor said before turning to me "I'm gonna cut to the chase Y/N, I want you to be a shadow knight" I narrow my eyes at him before standing up to throw away my trash

"Fuck no" I say with venom before Atles grabs my shoulder causing the cafeteria to look at us

"Wasn't really a request" Willis said before the streak in my hair turns orange and I stomp on the ground causing a earth piller to come up knocking Atles away making Peter jump at me with his claws barred

"And you call yourself a Werewolf' I say as I grab him by the neck "stay here until you cool off" I say covering most of his body in rock only leaving his head exposed before a blast of fire heads my way knocking me into a wall as Alastor appeared infront of me

"You ok" he said not at all caring if I am "that was a pretty nasty hit" I punch him in the face sending him to the ground

"Fuck off" I say as my streak turns blue and I shoot water from my hand to counter another fire ball before I could attack back Atles knocked me to the other end of the room

"Oh Y/N" Alastor said getting up from the ground with bloody noes "I don't think you understand" Atles breaks Peter out of the rock then stands next to Alastor "no matter how strong you are" Peter wipes dust off of him and stands on the other side of Alastor "there's always someone smarter" Willis stood next to Peter as I stand up

"Your right" I said as Alastor smirked as my hair goes completely blue "good thing your such an idiot" I say with a smirk as water comes up and sokes them my hair then turns yellow "shocking isn't" I say looking at Alastor's shocked face as I electrocute them into unconsciousness

Time skip

I'm walking to the office 'mom's gonna kill me if she finds out' I think as I walk into the office seeing the Okasis Shadow knights sitting in chairs infront of the principal

"Alastor Cheshire" Alastor just smiles "Atles Prime" Atles looks on, not caring about whats going on "Willis Welsh" Willis is checking his claws "Peter Black" Peter is actually asleep "and Y/N Obsidian I must say boy's you all have caused quite the show property damage and fighting honestly I'm impressed with how bold you all are" he stands up from his desk "and to reward that your all expelled" he said causing Peter to wake up and shout


"Peter Black" the principal said holding some papers "Werewolf, got in to due to his amazing physical prowess" he moves on "since coming here has caused 223 fights, 20 of which ended in students getting hospitalized" he looks at all of us "all of you have a record exept Y/N, well, until now and Honestly if it wasn't for Y/N wanting to leave he could have stayed with a suspension" he looks at me

'I'd much rather hang with my family then be here'

"But thats beside the point, this is the decision and you will live with it" he said sittng back down in his seat "I expect you to collect your things and be off my grounds by the end of the day"

"Yes sir" we all say except Peter who just growls and walked out the door

"You'll pay" Peter said as the door closed


Pheonix Drop High

I was walking through the hall I suddenly hear someone familier "Hello Prodigy"

"Shit" I say and turn around "what do you want Alastor"

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