the Decision and Travis' accidental confession

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as I walk into the lunch room I see the girls talking at a table 'well here it goes' I think as I walk to them "hey" I said as they all look at me

"we'll just leave you all alone" said Teony said as she and KC drag away a confused Aphmau

"sooooo" Lucinda said as she crossed her arms

"I decided I'll agree to it" I say making them all happy "but only if we can take it slow, I don't want us to rush this" I said as they all nod in understanding "great then let me officially ask" I reach into my pocket grabbing the five seeds I had "will you all" I then pulled them out as my highlights turned Green making the seeds turn to different colored roses  "be my girlfriends"

"weeelll" Katelyn said looking at Nicole "I guess, since your begging" she then takes a light blue rose "I have no choice"

"sure thing Hero" Nicole said grabbing the red rose

"how can I say no to that face" Sasha said patting my face and taking the purple one

"YES!!!!" Dottie shouted kissing my cheek and taking a dark blue

"Of course" Lucinda said as she grabbed the orange rose

"THE ALPHA HAS FOUND LOVE" I look to see James shout as the entire lunch room looks at us

"SHUT UP JAMES" I shout as I run at him as he runs away frighted out of his mind 


after saying bye to the girls I walked to my locker to get some books for calculus before I hear "Y/N!!!"

"huh?" I looked behind me to see Travis running to me "what's up Travis" I say as he catches his breath

"I-I've been looking everywhere for you" Travis said as he puts his hands on his knees "I need help"

"listen Travis unless your here to tell me your in love I gotta get to calculus" I said as I turn to get to my locker

"I'M IN LOVE" I hear Travis shout as I freeze then my hair turns yellow and I appear in front of Travis


"a girl named Maria" Travis said as I instantly recognize the name

'is he talking about that Werewolf girl whose aggressive, strong, and has a competitive streak, Oh Travis you sure do have a type' I think as I sigh and look at Travis with a serious look "ok I'll help what do you need"

"Actual girl advise" Travis said as he puts his hands in his pocket "all I have is what Dante gave me and honestly I don't want to get punched into next week"

"fair" I say as I think for a second " how long have you known her"

"two months" he said as I raise an eyebrow

"how long have you liked her" I asked as I notice someone from the corner of my eye 'speak of the she-devil and she shall appear' I see Maria looking around the corner behind Travis 'oh this is just adorable' I smile as I look at Travis responds

"three weeks" he said as I nod

"three week huh" I see Maria blush and smile a little 'just a few more pushes' I look at Travis "well Travis answer these question" I quickly look at Maria getting her attention before looking down at Travis "do you see a future with her"

"w-what I-I-"

"Travis if you can't see a future with her then this feeling is just a simple crush and could evolve into something rushed and forced" I look him in the eyes "do you know the reason I told Jeffory if he couldn't see a future with Katelyn I wouldn't let him date her" Travis shook his head "because I didn't want either of them hurt, if they just hooked up and something happens Katelyn would become an emotional wreck and Jeffory would hate himself for doing that to her"

"t-they would both be unhappy" Travis said getting the point

"yes, when I asked do you see a future with her I don't just mean as Girlfriend and Boyfriend, I mean do you see any kind of a future with her" I look over at Maria who is also thinking about what I said "If you break up will you still be friends? will you still value each other? if you don't know yet then get to know her more then you already do, hell, keep notes, cause if you truly care about and value someone then you'd want to take they're feelings into consideration" 

"y-yeah" Travis said in deep thought for a second before he looks at me determined  "ask me the questions please"

"do you see a future with her" I asked as I see Maria looking at Travis

"Yes" Travis said looking me in the eyes "she's fun to be around, and while she's easy to distract she really pays attention when it's important so I can tell she would still value me as much as I value her even if we break up as long as I treat her right"

"what do you like about her" I asked as I see Maria is smiling wide 'almost there'

"she's quirky, hilarious, can light up a room with a smile, she's also strong, assertive, brave, and honest" he smiles a little

"can you turn around" I say as I smile at his confused until he turns to see Maria standing in the middle of the hall smiling wide with a big blush on her face

"M-Maria" Travis said before he was tackled by the Werewolf girl

"did ya mean it" asked Maria as I turn around and start walking away

"yeah" Travis said nervous before Maria squealed and kissed him

"Don't rush things Love is beautiful if nurtured right so be patient" I say to them walking off 'another match made' I smirk as I walk into calculus as Mercer looks over to me

"why are you so happy Alpha" he asked as I sat down and leaned back in the chair

"oh nothing" I say as I smile at him 'got girlfriends and helped my friend get one thus keeping my title as the Ultimate Wingman, yeah defiantly nothing' I thin close my eyes before getting a chill down my spine "huh?" I look around

3rd Pov

"hmm" hummed a Meif'wa with purple hair and glowing yellow eyes "this looks fun" he says with a face splitting grin "I wonder if he'll recognize us" he said as a kid with red hair and scales along his arm, then one whose 8'0 and has blond hair, and finally a Werewolf with black fur and rad eyes

"I don't know Alastor" said the scaled boy before turning to the tall blond "what about you Atlas" the tall boy shrugs

"who cares Willis" said the Werewolf as he walks forward infront of the group to get into the school

"stop being so mad Peter" said Alastor as he wraps an arm around the Werewolf's shoulder "it wouldn't be polite to greet an old friend with such a grumpy face" he looks up at the school with glowing eyes "see ya soon Y/N"

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