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Y/N's pov

I walk down the hall with flames covering my arms, Now I know what your probably thinking, Y/N why haven't you found those backstabbing, Spoiled, Pansy, Pretty boy, Jock strapped Jack offs? well the answers simple


as I was on my way to find Dickhead and Dickless I run into Zane, KC, Ein, and Cadenza who stopped me in the hall "Y/N what the heck, why did you attack Garroth and Laurence like that, your never that mad" Ein asked concerned for his brother as Cadenza hides a little behind him

"yeah while Garroth is an idiot he's still my brother so I'd like to know why my best friend is kicking his ass" Zane said with KC hugging his arm as they both look at me with...worry?

'huh guess I had an effect on them' I think as I look at my friends 'wait' my eyes widen 'I just realized that I am about to kick the ass of my best friends brother and my brother's girlfriend's brother' I sigh as I look at them "shit"

Flashback end

Long story short I explained the situation to them, Zane and Cadenza gave me the go ahead to kick them into next week, and then Garroth and Laurence got to live another day because they had left school and hid until morning "GARROTH" I shout as I see him walk around a corner and look at me with fear in his eyes and turns to run away but "Draga" I say as she jumps through a window by Garroth and grabs him by the collar of his shirt then bringing him to me "your dead" I say to him with venom as I grab him by his neck and throw him into the lunch room where he lands on a table and rolls to the floor "I'm gonna enjoy this" I say as I walk into the cafeteria taking off my blazer jacket for my uniform and throwing it away "Draga go find Laurence and bring him here" I say walking past Desmond who saw how angry I was

"oh shit Alpha's pissed" he said with a smirk "I gotta tell the others" he said before running out of the cafeteria as I walk over to the downed Garroth who is trying to get up

"you know" I say as I kick Garroth in the face causing him to fall again "I like to think I'm a fair person" I then pick him up and slam him onto the table "I do right by people as long as they do right by me" then I punch him in the face causing him to go through the table "but when pieces of shit like you and that brown haired asshole make my sister, or any family of mine for that matter, cry" I grab him by the hair and bring him up to my face "I tend to lose my shit" I then hear the door open and see Draga dragging in Laurence who looks scared shitless 'good' my hair turns a darker shade of red as the temperature of the room gets higher

"l-look Y-Y/N I-I get i-it y-your a-angry" he said as Draga dropped him

"understatement of the century" I say as I point at Laurence as fire appears at the tip of it 

"b-but you-u h-have to look at it from our pro-spective"

"one: I don't have to do anything" I kick him in the stomach "two: your prospective is that my sis is two timing you" I pick him up by his shirt and slam him into the ground before bringing him up to my eyes "three: do you really think that for a second I care" I then let go of his shirt and as he falls I kick him in the family jewels

"Y/N RODRIGUEZ OBSIDIAN" I hear the shout of a demon aka my mother

"shit" I say as I breath in and out as I turn around and see my Mom holding Draga up by her scruff of her neck as my Dad stands with his arms crossed admiring what I did to Garroth and Laurence "hello Mom, Dad"

"Don't 'hello' me young man" she said as she walked over to me dragging a whining Draga with her as my Dad walks right behind her "Te crié mejor que esto, si no tienes una razón suficiente para esto, juro por tu abuela que te castigaré durante todo el año (I raised you better then this, if you don't have a good enough reason for this then I swear on your Grandma I'll ground you for the entire year)"

"they believed a rumor over Aphmau" I didn't tell her about the kisses because while I'm pissed at them no one should have to face my Mother when she's really mad

"GARROTH" I hear another shout as a angry Zianna "did I hear Y/N right you picked on poor Aphmau" she then picked up her son by the shirt collar "GARTE GET OVER HERE" shouts Zianna as Garte comes running in "take Garroth to the nurses office while I talk to Sylvanna" she said as she hands over Garroth to Garte as he nods and leaves

"what about Laurence" I asked before the door to the cafeteria opens again showing Cadenza and Ein walking through the door

"we'll take him" says Cadenza as Ein picks him up and they leave

"Now Y/N I know that you had every reason to be mad but" Mom started as she walked up to me  "you need to learn to control yourself"

"you may be a kid but your also a Werewolf with powers that are tied to your emotions" Dad said as he stood next to Mom "if you went any farther, you could have killed them" he said with a stern stare as I look down in shame "be more careful next time you get this angry son, I don't want to see you through glass"

"yes sir" I say in a defeated voice 

"good now get back to class and when you get home we'll discuss your punishment, your lucky principle Chad was an old high school friend of mine or you could have been expelled" Dad said as he, Mom, and Zianna left me with Draga in the cafeteria

"well" I say as I look at the broken table "Fuck" 

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