Chapter 8

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Nautica P.O.V.

When I finally can pull myself together and stop crying, then I finish helping Xander bandage his injuries. I'm so worried about him. His lip is cut open. I feel like he might need stitches. Which would be extremely hard since we can't leave the house unless we are going to the hospital for the coronavirus. He keeps assuring me that he will be fine. I tell him I think we both need some sleep and offer him to sleep in the same bed together. He says, "I don't want you to offer just because you feel bad about what happened today". I quickly told him that was not the case. I explained that I wanted him to sleep here with me and that if anything it was me that needed someone after today. We get close to each and cuddle. He leans in and kisses me goodnight. Just a small soft peck. Then we close our eyes and fall asleep. I hear my phone vibrating. It is like 3 a.m. right now. I don't know who could be messaging me at this time. I get up. Xander is completely knocked out. Which somewhat worries me because he normally is a light sleeper, but I know he got hit hard today. I'm looking for my phone, but I find Xander's instead. It is his that is vibrating and not mine. I wasn't trying to be snoopy, but I'm just curious as to who would be messaging this late. The message is from someone named "Kilan Bats". It says "She isn't a part of the plan. Stay focused". Xander moves and I drop the phone. He is staring at me. I'm not sure what to say. I'm confused because what was that message about, who was that person, and why is he staring. I don't know if I should question him or if I need apologize for snooping. So, I blankly continue to stare at him. He finally says, "Nautica why are you on my phone?". He says it in a super calm voice. I'm stuttering to answer him. I just say "Well, uh I mean it uh was um vibrating and it like woke me up kind of. . ." I'm feel very bad. In my head I think I should just go to Anchors room. This is awkward and I don't know how to handle this situation. I feel like he can see how fast my mind is racing. "Okay. Well now that you've got it to stop vibrating why don't you come back to bed?" Xander says to me. I again just stare without moving. He says, "Come on babe". That was the first time he called me that. I slowly walk to my side and get in the bed. He reaches down on his side and grabs his phone and puts it in the drawer beside him. He rolls over toward me and put his arm around me. He slightly kisses my cheek and says good night. I try to fall asleep but I'm having a hard time. I finally get the courage to slip out from his arms and quietly leave my room. I go to Anchor's room. He is sound asleep. His knuckles have so much dried blood on them. I should have made sure he was taken care of too. I feel so bad. For him, for Xander, for me, and just a general bad feeling. It's a lot going on in my mind. I sit on Anchors bed. He wakes up, but you can tell he is still sleepy. "What's wrong Nautica?". He sits up and gets closer to me. I'm not crying, but I just am confused. He hugs me. "Please talk to me. I am truly sorry for the way I acted. I don't want you to be going through anything because of me". I lean in toward his hug. "Nautica, I know you like him. I'm sorry that I was such a jerk. You can be with him. I won't get in the way anymore. Zuri had a talk with me and I get it now. I see what I've put you through all these years. Making you wait for me. I will support you this time. Even if it's not what I want for us. I will still support everything you decide." Anchor says to me. I ask him "Why is it not what you want for though?" Anchors then says to me "It's hard to say this. Because I feel like I haven't been serious enough to you and I haven't done enough for you to believe me. But I love you. I love you more than I love myself. I love you as my best friend, but I love you as more too. I fully was aware for Xander to beat me today when I approached him. But I would have been willing to die for you. Honestly, I still am willing to die for you. You are everything to me. But I understand now that I lost my chance and my opportunity at the best thing that would have ever happened to me. And I understand that if I truly love you that I would let you be with Xander. Because that is what you want. And Nautica you deserve anything that you want in this world." This entire time tears have been rolling down my face. For years that is all I wanted from him. Just some kind of communication that the feelings were there, and I wasn't wasting my time caught up on someone that would never love me back. I look into Anchor's eyes. I don't know what I'm thinking, but I just lean up towards him and kiss him. He kisses me back. My mind is racing harder than before. I am having flashbacks of everything that has happened since the day Xander moved in. I'm hoping that anchor can't tell how distracted I really am. I'm still kissing him, but I can't stop thinking. We are making out and he starts to kiss down my neck. It feels great, but all I can think about is Xander. I don't know what's happening. Do I love Xander? He is being sketchy. What does that mean? How does he even feel about me? Am I a part of his plan? Do I love Anchor? I did love him. I know I did. At one point I felt the same way he does. But is it current? Anchor is now grabbing on my body. Kissing down toward my chest. Can I do this? God it can't stop. I feel like I'm about to panic. I'm filled with anxiety. I don't know who I love. I don't know what to do. I start freaking out. "Stop Anchor. Please Stop!" I loudly yell. I am feeling dizzy. Anchor looks at me "Nautica are you okay? Nautica!". I can't respond. I'm trying but nothing will come out. I see Zuri, Arslan and Xander rush into the room All of them yelling and questioning Anchor. "Bro what are you doing to her?" Arslan says to him. I look down and see half of my shirt is unbuttoned and I'm a bit exposed. I am shaky. I can feel everything intensified. Xander runs close to me "Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?" he turns around "I will kill you dude. Literally I will murder you if you hurt her" to Anchor. Anchor is saying something in response. But everything is just so foggy. Everything goes black and I feel my body hit the ground. I can still hear noises, but I can't make out what anyone is saying. I just want everything to stop.

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