Chapter Five

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Anchor's P.O.V

I woke up from the nap I took in order to cool off finally. I looked at the clock and it's about an hour before movie time. I hope I'm still allowed to be involved in family movie time. I know I messed up with everyone right now. I start the think about what I can do to make up for it. I remember that when we were all kids that we would play this board game that we literally made from scratch. It was our favorite game. I'm just thinking about how happy we would be when we were all four together without the Xander guy being here. It's not what Zuri said though. I'm not jealous that Nautica has an interest in him or anything. It's just that he seems to be messing things up. I never argue with her, but all a sudden he is here. What is that anyway? How did he just accidently get quarantined with us now and out of all the places the government just gives him the house next door. Like honestly, we don't even know him, and he lives with us now. I decide that I want to look in the basement and see if I can find anything relating our old friendship board game. I'm thinking maybe it will help ease the tension that Xander has brought with him to our family. So, I'm searching everywhere in this basement. I'm also trying to be careful because this is my moms and god mom stuff is as well. I find this box hidden well and just know it must have our games in it. I'm opening it and I see a lot of old drawings and school papers that our parents must have kept in these boxes. Some go all the way back to kindergarten. There are pictures of all four of us hanging out while we were only three feet tall, we were so adorable back then. I find what looked like the end of the box, but I could look at the length of the box and see it had to be more room inside. I pulled the edge and yanked it up. Under that I found what seemed to be my God moms Leslie work papers. Under the papers were some test tubes with different color liquids in it. The test tubes were wrapped tightly so they would be protected all these years in this box. I'm looking at the papers. It seems like research on some type of disease. That's not uncommon. My mom and god mom both worked in a forensic lab and encountered diseases all the time, but I did find it odd for Leslie to keep this stuff here at home with Nautica. I never saw my mom bring home anything like this before. Just out of curiosity I read some of the files, but mostly everything is redacted. As I'm looking over the paper something catches my eye. I see the name Xander Miles as the assistant on this case. I'm seriously considering that maybe Xander knew us before we knew him. He is four years older than us. I am literally racking my brain right now like could it be the same Xander. Zuri calls out "Guys its movie time!". So, I quickly put some things back in place and run upstairs. Nautica sits next to me and I can see that Xander gets annoyed. Which I got to say makes me just a little bit happy on the inside. We start watching Jason Bourne and I literally just can't stop thinking about the files and Xander's name. I go into the kitchen and I text Nautica. I just have to tell her about this. She looks nervous for some reason. I wonder why.

Nautica's P.O.V

My face feels hot that is how nervous I am. My biggest fear in the world is to upset Anchor or let him down. I'm looking at Anchor and I ask him "What's wrong?". He starts to talk but he honestly isn't making any sense. So, I slow him down "Anchor speak slower and clearer". He says to me "I was in the basement and I found some of moms files". I'm just staring at him because what is his reasoning for going through my basement. "Do you even know Xander's last name?" he says to me. I'm in shock at this point. What is he trying to insist and what does that have to do with the basement? I just look at him and I angrily say "Well yeah Anchor I do. His name is Xander Milton. What is your problem with him now?" Anchor looks confused to me. I guess he just thinks I would make out with someone when I don't know their last name. I'm starting to see that Anchor kind of thinks of me as low. This is how I'm feeling at this point. He is trying to make me feel bad about kissing him because he thinks I don't know him well enough. These things are all going through my head and Anchor finally talks "Wait, why are you so mad?". I tell him "Are you kidding me Anchor? I like him okay! Don't try to make me feel beneath you because you think I don't know his last name. God you have been unbelievable these last few days." Anchor says nothing. I'm so annoyed and I walk to my room and shut the door.

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