The Needle

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When it comes to Mia, one of the biggest fears she has in terms of her 5 year old age, is going to the hospital. In her perspective, she sees it as like a cold and scary place with the whole hallway being white with some of the equipment they use off putting and fears something bad would happen to someone she loves.

But the other biggest thing she absolutely fears about the getting shots. So it's no surprise that today is the mandatory day for the kitten to go and get it, and of course she refuses to go.


"Mia unlock this door!" Adora said as she knocks her daughter's door.

"No! I'm not going! I don't want to!" Mia yells.

"Young lady, if you don't come out of this room right now, you're on punishment."

"I don't care! I am not getting a shot!"

"I'm going to count to 3! 1........2........." Adora would think that Mia would cave and actually unlock the door at this moment, but all she hear is silence.

"Mia don't make me say 3." Still silent and nothing happening. She was about to finish counting, but then now thinks the kitten still might not react to it.

"Ugh, what's the use? She's not gonna come out anyhow." She mutters.

"What's wrong?" Catra says as she comes upstairs.

"Mia won't come out of her room."

"Oh. I see why, let me try." Catra proceeds to try to knock Mia's door and convince her to come out.

"Hey Mia?" Catra knocks and tries to turn the knob. "Kitten come out and unlock this door."

"Oh no, not you too Mommy!"

"I know baby but it's true. You need to take this shot so you can feel better."

"How does a pointy needle makes me feel better?!"

"They have the stuff in it that makes you strong and healthy."


"Uhhhh......" Catra turns to her wife as they both look kinda shock to her question. ".......y-yeah, like steroids. But it'll take one second and you'll be done for the day."

"Mmmm, I don't know."

"Either way, she's not going to come out."

"Oh please, watch." Catra points her index finger up and jets out her claw and begins to use it as a key to unlock the door from the outside.

The door now opens as the wives enter inside their daughter's room and sees her hiding under the bed with her tail wagging out.

"Come on Mia, we gotta be there in like a half hour." Catra kneels down and looks under where she's at.

"But I don't want to get hurt!"

"You're not gonna get hurt, kitten. I'll be right beside you and I'll hold you while it's happening."

"You will?"

"Yeah I will. I'm never leaving you alone."

"Mmmm, ok."

"Come on, we gotta go."


Now at the hospital room waiting for the doctor to come in, Mia is all sorts of nervous as she sits on the bed shaking. Adora sees this and tries to calm her.

"Hey, don't worry baby. It's gonna be extremely quick." The blonde places her hand onto her shoulder.

"Ok." She nods.

The doctor finally comes into the room. "Ok Mia, are you ready?" He said.

"Ummm......I guess so."

"Don't worry. You'll forget all about it." The doctor looks through his bag and then takes out the needle which by the looks of it, is quite long and sharp which immediately freaks the kitten out.

She gasps loudly as Catra stands in front of her and tries to calm her down right before she's starts to panic.

"Mia! Hey hey calm down." Catra soothingly said.

"But....but the needle!" The kitten slightly yells.

"I know but listen to me." Catra moves to her daughter face to face with each other. "Now I need you to not pay attention to the needle and focus on me instead, you understand?"

"Mmmm, ok." She mutters.

Catra then reaches into her pocket and pulls out a kazoo. "Here, put this in your mouth."

"What's this for?"

"It's for when you get your shots and if it hurts, you blow this, ok?"


She puts the kazoo into the kitten's mouth as the doctor lifts her right arm up and he and Catra both started counting to 3.

"1...........2............" Mia starts closing her eyes tightly. ".......3!!!"

The doctor now puts the needle into the kitten as she blows the kazoo out as hard as she possibly can.

"There, all done!" The doctor said.

"Is it really done?" Mia said with her eyes still closed and the kazoo still in her mouth.

"Yep, it's all done honey." Catra pulls it out.

The doctor takes a cleaning wipe and cleans the blood out, and finally puts a band-aid on it.

"Ok Mia, you can open your eyes now." The doctor said. The kitten opens them up and sees her right arm with the band-aid placed onto it.

"Oh. That.....that didn't feel all that bad!" She said feeling relieved.

"See I told you it was a quick one kitten." Catra smiles. "So what do you say to the doctor?"

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome Mia. Here's a lollipop." He gives the candy to the kitten and says "thank you" again as the family now exits the hospital and continues to enjoy their day with a more healthy daughter.

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