Discovery & Betrayal

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Part 2 of 3

It's now the afternoon as Mia is helping out Catra to clean up the basement. She finally did change clothes with her wearing some black jeans and a white T-shirt.

"Hey mom, where do you want me to put these other boxes?" She ask her mother as she begins to pick them up.

"Uhhh, just put them on the corner, I'll find another way to put them somewhere."

"Ok." Mia then puts the two stacked boxes and puts them on the corner.

"Oh and while you're at it, check those cabinets and make sure if there's anything useless in there."

"Ok, I'm on it."

She then walks towards the cabinets and begins to open it and suddenly something just fell down next to her feet.

She looks to see what it is and looks to be some sort of headpiece. A headpiece that looks pretty familiar.....strangely familiar. It's red with black marks on the top.

It took her like three seconds for her to realize as it fully clicks onto her head. She remembers the occasional but numerous amounts of dreams and nightmares she's been having for a couple of years as it starts flashing onto her eyes and brain.

Not to mention that she's been hearing this "urban legend" at school about a Horde soldier with a menacing presence, dark red clothing with a headpiece on, an evil smile and a rather creepy laugh who so happens to be a cat/human hybrid creature who was once the most notorious member of the Evil Horde who killed people and try to destroy the world.

Are those dreams telling her the truth? Is her mom really evil? Only one way to find out.

"M-Mom?" Mia said in a shaky voice as she picks the headpiece up.

"Yes kitten?"

"W-What is this?" She shows it to her mom.

Catra's heart immediately dropped and widens her eyes with absolute shock when she first sees it.

"It's........uhhhh........w-where'd you find that?"

"It was in the cabinets you told me to look at. Did....Did you wore this?"

"N-No, that's silly, why would I wear something like that?"

"Oh I don't know...I've heard some urban legend about a cat person who so happens to wear this and be a part of the Horde!!!!" Her voice went from normal as she slowly raises it up in slight anger.

Catra's jaw dropped. She's always dreaded a day like this would ever come, her daughter knowing her mother's dark past.

"So is it true? Were you.....evil?"

Catra cannot think of another way to weave out of this situation.

"N-No. I would nev......"

"STOP IT!!!!!" Mia shouts and cuts her off as makes Catra flinch a bit.

"Stop it! I know you're lying! I can see in in your face!!!"

Well there is certainly no going back from this. She's not being fooled here this time. Mia's eyes and face is nothing but frustration.

She starts to think about another thing that relates to this situation.....Adora. What if her Mama knows too? Mia storms upstairs from the basement to try and find her as Catra tries to stop her.

"Mia wait!!!"

She runs into the living room and sees Adora on the living room couch.

"MAMA!!!!" She shouts her name.

"Mia?! What's wrong sweetie."

"Is it true?"

"What's True?"

"Is it true that Mom is......evil?" She then shows her the headpiece.

Adora widens her eyes as she is shocked to see and hear this from her daughter as well.


"You knew too!!??" Mia yells again as she knew from the get go she's trying to lie.

"Mia? Honey calm down!" Catra comes into the living room as well to try to settle her down.

"CALM DOWN!!!!???? You've lied to me for all these years!!!"

The two moms sees the anger in their teenage daughter's eyes as she begins to feel tears. Adora tries to give her comfort.

"Mia, honey just listen to....."

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!!" Mia slaps her arm away from her.

The anger gets more and more worse as Catra sees a side of her she would never see in her daughter ever.

Mia looks at the headpiece she is still carrying again and throws it on the ground and slides towards them.

"I never want to see your faces ever again."

The two moms gasps as Mia storms out of the house and begins run away.

"MIA!!! WAIT!!!" Catra tries to run after her when she exits out the house, but Mia has quickly vanished.

"MIA!!!!" The two calls for her 3 times but no answer.

"SHIT!!!! I knew this day would come!" Catra cursed.

"Don't worry babe. We'll find her." Adora said.

Adora calls for Swift Wind as the two hop on to him and begins to fly around the forest to find her.

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