Where Do Babies Come From?

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"Hey Mommy?" Mia walks to the dining room table to ask Catra.

"Hey kitten what's up?"

"I have a very important question I wanna ask."

"Sure. What you want to ask?"

It took like 2 seconds to ask her this, but she's not hesitating.

"Where do babies come from?"

Catra widens her eyes. She felt quite surprised that her 4 year old daughter would ask this sort of question. But how would she answer it?


"I........I don't know sweetie.....what makes you ask that?"

"I don't know. I was thinking about it and I thought you might know it."

"Oh....uh......that's just a very difficult question to answer."

"Ok, I'll go ask Mama."


"Mama!" The kitten immediately runs to look for Adora.

"Oh god." Catra mutters.

Mia goes upstairs to find Adora and then sees her chillin in their master bedroom.


"Hey sweetheart."

"I have a question to ask you."

"Sure what is it?"

"Where do babies come from?"

"Uhhhh....." Just like Catra, Adora has no other answer to think of. No 4-year-Old would want to know the actual one. (BTW quit asking me how Adora got pregnant. It's fiction, not real life.)

"W-Well you see.......babies come from......."

It took like 5 seconds to think of an alternative answer and it finally clicked on to her head.

"Oh! Babies come from the sky."

"Huh?" Mia tilts her head slightly with confusion.

"You see, where we come from, we're the creations of the great gods of Etheria called the First Ones."

"Oooooohhhh." She starts to be a lot intrigued by this.

"So that means you, Mommy and the rest came from the sky too?"

Adora nods her head. "Yep that's right."

"Wow!!! I never knew that!! I can't wait to tell my friends at school."

Adora chuckles at her excitement as the kitten walks out of the room in a chipper manner. Catra then comes into the room too.

"Well that was smart thinking babe."


"How long she's gonna not know?"

"Maybe until she gets into high school and learn social studies and learn about the actual thing."

"Yeah that's about right."

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