01: The beginning

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"Father.. do I have to be like Jenette?.." 6 year old Athy cried, gripping tight to Claude's legs with her thin hands. Her heart craves for her father's love for so long. Her young self seems to not understand why a father could hate her daughter so much.

"If i be like Jenette.. will you call me? Will stare me with your warm eyes?.."
She cried and glanced at Claude's eyes. Then, a figure appeared, beside him. A women with brown hair, green eyes, clear skin. No other than Jenette's mother, Penelope Margaritta.

"Oh darling.. whats with your teary eyes?.." She laughed and created a mocking face as she looked down at Athy.

Athy looked down in embarrassment, and let go of Claude's leg slowly.

"Jenette, let's go.." Claude said, in a soft tone that Athy never received. He then offered Jenette his hands while Jenette looked hesitant in receiving his offer. She looked at Athy and felt that something is not right. However the feeling of wanting to be loved won Jenette's heart, she took her chance to hold Claude's hand.

Athy watched the two, father and "daughter," walked away from her sight. Her eyes widened in disbelief 'How could he pick another woman over his own daughter?' she thought. Tears started to flow down her cheeks.

"How could you.. loved someone else's kid.." Athy murmured. Her voice is different than before.. more like Claude's past lover voice.

Both of Claude and the so called 'lover' turned to make sure what they heard was right. However, Penelope noticed it was not Athy's voice, she was probably possessed by her enemy from the past.

"Listen here!" Penelope grabbed Athy's chin and hold it tightly so she won't talk a thing."Janette is our daughter. You're not. You're just a illegitimate kid from that nasty dancer." Penelope said, sharply and coldly. Those words were sharp enough to break Athy's heart to pieces.

"Then.. if you're afraid.. of the truth.. why do you challange yourself?.." That mysterious lady spoke once again through Athy. 

Penelope holds her chin tighter and squeeze it. "B-be quite!" Her voice cracks and echoed around the room. Her fear can be sensed so easily. "You are the illegitimate child! You are a disgrace! You are nothing! You don't deserve the throne!" She yelled in front of Athy.

Athy holds Penelope's hand tightly. "Why are you panicking, lady Margaritta?.. I'm just fooling around.." The voice mocked

Penelope grab her sharp hair pin from her hair. She starred Athy in the eyes.
"People like you.. don't deserve to talk.. to someone like me.."

Athy's blue eyes shines.

Penelope aim the hair pin to her blue right eye, right when she wanted to stab Athy. Somebody holds her. Penelope glared at the person who's holding her back. She looked like a beast, ready to kill anyone in her way. However upon gazing at the figure that's stopping her, she noticed something familiar, "A-anastacius?.." She stuttered and froze still.

The man with golden hair, similar to Claude, took several step closer to Athy and cast a sleeping spell on her. "Let's go, Athy. You'll be safe with me" He said as he opened a portal. He grabbed Athy in his arms. 

"Why are you here?!" Penelope yelled.

Anastacius gazed back at the voice who asked him. "None of your business. But starting today, if she is considered as trash in this shitty hole. Then she will be in my care, and she will be my daughter" Anastacius said as he starred sharply at both Claude and Penelope.

"I wanna.. be with dad.." She mumbled in a sad tone.

"I will be better.. I promise" He smiled softly at Athy, a fatherly smile she never received before in her entire life. "I'll give you the happiness you deserve"

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