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They were fighting again, he knew that, the raised voices filled his ears. Why did they always resort to fighting? The baby was crying, again. In same the room of the sobbing baby, a younger Morro looked across the room at his baby brother. He approached the crib the crying baby layed in as another sob escape the baby's lips.

"I'm so sorry..." he whispered, "you deserve better than this..."

Then it hit him, maybe if they both left, they'd be happier.

They weren't showing any signs of stopping their fight. The fight almost every day over the silliest of things. How long would the family last like this?

He peeked round the door, watching as his mother suddenly got up, "Fine! Be that way!" She yelled.

"You know what? I wish I never met you!" She was screaming the last part.

"Libber-!" Cliff yelled as his wife and followed her out the door. Minutes later his father came in, soaked through by the heavy rain outside. He took a glance towards the door, but thankfully, Morro moved away.

The baby had stopped crying, but Morro was just beginning. He let the silent tears escape, the tears that he had held in for so long.

They had to leave this place.

He planned it all, he knew that he couldn't take care of an infant, he was only 10 himself, he'd take his brother someplace safe, somewhere Cliff couldn't find him.

Later that night, once Morro was sure Cliff was asleep, he snuggled the baby into a blanket, covered him fully so he wouldn't be touched by the rain. The baby thankfully wasn't crying. The baby, like himself, was always calm during raging storms.

The baby gave Morro an innocent look, as if asking what he was doing. For a second Morro stared into the blue orbs full of curiosity, wishing things could of been different. But reality came crashing down on him and he remembered his mission.

He ran out of the house, down the path, and luckily the huge gates were wide open, Cliff had opened them, in hopes of Libber coming back to him.

She wasn't coming back. . . Morro knew that.

Morro must've ran halfway through Ninjago, because now he found himself in a very unfamiliar place, it was sand, miles and miles of sand, except-

There was a junkyard, illuminating in the bleak night, and a path that led towards it.

Morro took it as a sign. Carefully he trudged on towards it, the baby - who had fallen asleep during the journey - was awake now, letting out small whimpers, he was cold. He placed the baby down at the doorstep.

"Don't worry, you'll have a better life than this. . .I'll find you again." Morro promised. Placing down beside him a note and a key which he had stolen earlier from his father's desk. He also placed down half of a necklace which their mother had given them.

The necklace was a thunder cloud with lightning striking out of the bottom. Morro took the lightning part from the cloud and placed it around his little brother's neck.

"Take this, so we'll always be brothers." Morro whispered through the wind. Then he rung the doorbell and disappeared leaving the future blue ninja to reach out and cry. Cry for his brother he wouldn't see again for a long long time.


The next chapter will be longer, this is just short because it's the prologue.

I hope I caught your attention and I hope you'll love this book; again the original was made by trashnoodle on archives of our own.


Words: 607

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