Cloud Strife x Shy & Short Reader Pt. 2

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Here is the second half with your truly, Cloud Strife.


Cloud sat down on his bed. He took off his boots and slid them under the bed.

"(Y/N), there is something I want to tell you," Cloud said, motioning me to sit next to him.

Cloud would always start our conversations like this. He reached behind me and pulled me closer to him.

"What is it, Cloud?" I asked.

"I am happy to see that you are safe, and I never want to miss out on this opportunity again. I love you," he said.

My heart was beating so hard that I thought that it would break out if my chest.

'Did I hear that right?' I thought.

Cloud likes Tifa, he told me that years ago. I'm just his friend.

"I realized how much you mean to me when I left. I missed your smiling face and laugh. You were the only one that accepted me for who I was. Nobody else would treat me so kind. You were the only person that I had in Nibelhiem, and you began to take a special place in my heart," Cloud said.

I felt my cheeks heat up as he went on. Cloud only expressed his true feelings around me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really. You are the one that helped me get to where I am today. You're the one who suggested that SOLDIER would help me become stronger. I looked for you everywhere in Nibelhiem when we were assigned to go there. I wanted to tell you this then, but I guess that you were living here already," Cloud said.

"Cloud, truth is, I have felt the same way about you. I always thought that you had a thing for Tifa, not me, so I would never say anything," I explained, pulling him into a hug.

"I am so sorry that I didn't ever write to you anymore. I wanted to wait until I saw you again to talk to you," Cloud said.

I just sat there, embraced in his arms. He eventually laid down, pulling me on top of him. I used his chest as if it were a pillow. We fell asleep and slept all the way through until the next morning.


I heard a knock at the door, and shortly after, a soft voice followed.

"Cloud, do you know where (Y/N) went? When I checked her room, she wasn't in there," Tifa asked.

I stood up and stretched. Cloud went and answered the door.

"She's here with me," Cloud said.

"Okay. I made some breakfast. It's on the table for when you are ready," Tifa said.

"After we eat, I have to go with everyone on a new job," Cloud said. "I'll see you when we get back."

I nodded and we made our way to the front of the building. We had bacon and eggs. Tifa can make a good drink, but her cooking is even better.

Barret walked out, scooping some food onto his plate.

"Spikey, today's gonna be a little different than yesterday. Shin-Ra's now on the lookout for anyone suspicious," he said.

"I'm going to be joining you this time," Tifa said.

I was confused about what they were talking about.

"Why would you have to worry about Shin-Ra?" I asked.

"(Y/N), it's better if you don't know," Barret said.

"Daddy, when will you be coming home?" Marlene asked, sleepily.

"We'll be back as soon as we can, sweetie," Barret replied.

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