"stay awake"

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"I would kill for a Mickey's milkshake right about now." Connie sat next to me and flopped her head down onto the lunch table. 

I patted her on the back. "Algebra got you down?"

"Yes!" She threw her hands up and sighed. "I totally bombed today's test and I'm already at an A-. I cannot venture into the B's."

I laughed and took a bite out of my sandwich. It was finally lunch time and I was starving. After missing a few classes the day before, my homework was doubled. Not something I was excited about.

"Oh Adam, I had an idea." I turned to Adam who was sitting to my right.

"What's that?" He took a sip of water and set it back onto the table.

"We should do a double date. You bring a friend, I bring a friend. You know, something like that."


I leaned in close and whispered. "Because you should bring Charlie and I'll bring Polly."

Adam smiled and wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Are you playing matchmaker, Ella?"

"Maybe. All I'm saying is, mention it to him and I'll do the same for Polly. Sound good?"

"Alright." Adam sighed and I snagged a pretzel from his bag before turning back to Connie. As I did, a pain shot through my head. That had been happening all day and I was beginning to get irritated. I closed my eyes and reopened them a moment later as the pain disappeared.

"Oh hey Ella!" I looked past Connie to see Julie sitting next to her. "I was just telling Connie about Marco's goalie-ing."

"Oo, do tell." I smiled and leaned over to hear better.

"Well you know how he was in soccer right? So Coach Orion had me stay after practice yesterday to give him a few pointers. He won't use his hands at all! Apparently he hasn't played soccer goalie since fourth grade and is literally programmed not to touch the ball, or in this case puck. I don't know what to do!"

We all laughed and continued talking for the rest of lunch.

Adam tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey ladies, I hate to break up the "Connie got some super cute new jeans" convo, but we are going to be late to class if we don't hurry."

I looked up at him and shook my head. "Thanks Adam, we're coming."

The three of us laughed and went our separate ways. I had English next and walked to class with Adam, Luis and Marco.

"How's the goalie practice coming along Marco?" I asked on our way up the stairs.

"Super great." He said, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Oh really? You use your hands now?"

"You talked to Julie didn't you? Oh boy."

"Hey man don't worry about it." Luis put his arm across Marco's shoulder. "When I first started out, I couldn't stop. Like I would run into walls every time I skated, it was so bad. But you learn."

"Huh. Thanks Luis."


We all walked into English together and took our respective seats. I pulled out my notebook and copy of Romeo and Juliet, just as Mrs. Parker entered the room. 

The rest of school went surprisingly fast and before I knew it, I was standing on the ice, about to start practice.

"Blake game!" Coach Orion skated circles around us as we stood and listened. "Next week. I want that victory on your minds. I know they've recruited some great kids since we last played them, but so have we. Today's practice will focus mainly on technique and offense. Getting past the defense and keeping the puck. Pick a partner."

𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 / 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon