"but you can call me anytime"

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I looked out the window to see Adam's car pull into my driveway and grabbed my backpack off of my bed. Taking one last look at my first day of school outfit, I sighed and walked down the stairs.

"Have a great day sweetie." My mom smiled at me from the kitchen and came over to give me a hug. 

"Thanks mom." I hugged her back and walked towards the door, pulling it open. I stepped out just as Adam honked the horn. I jumped in surprise and a guilty look flashed across his face.

"What was that for?" I sat in the passenger seat and set my bag at my feet.

"Sorry, I didn't know if you knew I was here or not." He turned his head and began backing out of my driveway, using my shoulder as an arm rest. "Anyways, can I just say how beautiful you look today." Adam glanced over at me and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Thanks Romeo, you don't look too bad yourself."

He reached down and smoothed his shirt. "Do you think the tie is too much? My mom insisted I should wear it."

I tilted my head as if to have a difficult time making a decision. "Hhm... nope. I love it."

He nodded in satisfaction and put his hand on my thigh. I narrowed my eyes at him with a smile and he grinned back.

A few minutes later Eden Hall came into view and Adam pulled the car into the Sophomore lot. I stepped out and looked at all of the students milling around the courtyard and in front of the buildings.

"Ready for orientation?" Adam came up behind me and slung an arm over my shoulder.

"Yep. The team should already be there." 

We started to walk towards the auditorium when we were stopped by a frantic looking blonde girl. 

"Hi, sorry! Could you help me find where orientation is? I'm new and don't know where I'm going." 

"Of course! We're headed there now actually." 

A look of relief flashed over the girl's face. "Oh, thank you! I'm Polly by the way."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ella and this is..."

"Adam." He shot her a smile as we all made our way into the performing arts building. The auditorium was a few feet from the front door and once inside Polly looked around with uncertainty.

"You can sit with us if you'd like." I told her and she nodded. "We're sitting with the hockey team if that's okay."

"Wait, are you on the hockey team?" Her eyes lit up as Adam scanned the room for our fellow Ducks. "I am too!"

Charlie's hand emerged from the crowd and Adam waved in return. We made our way over.

"Yeah, Adam and I both are! I'll introduce you to some other players if you'd like. Even though you'll meet everyone today at practice."

"That'd be great!"

I took a seat next to Dean and Polly followed. Adam went over to sit with Guy and Charlie.

"Who's this pretty lady?" Dean leaned over to get a better look at the girl sitting next to me.

"Dean." I raised a stern "don't be creepy" eyebrow at him. "This is Polly. Polly, Dean."

The blonde girl blushed and took Dean's extended hand to shake it. 

"And I'm Greg, but you can call me Goldberg."

"I'm Les but you can call me anytime!"

The two boys, who were sitting behind us, leaned forward and smiled brightly at Polly.

"Dear lord." I pressed my palm to my forehead and took a deep breath. "This is Goldberg and this is Averman. Please do not call him anytime."

Polly laughed as Dean Buckley cleared his throat on stage, signaling the beginning of orientation.

"Good morning students and welcome to a new year at Eden Hall!"


"Man, I've got so much homework, you'd think I've been at school for a week!" Russ complained as we left our last class of the day.

"Yeah, no kidding." Connie sighed and adjusted her backpack.

The three of us had just finished US History and were headed to the locker rooms before practice. 

"You think Orion's gonna put any of us on Varsity this season?" I questioned, hopping down the stairs and walking into the warm Fall air.

"Nah." Russ waved his hand in front of him. "Not after all the drama you and Banks drummed up last year."

"Russ-" I began in an irritated tone.

"Man, I'm just messing with you." He laughed. "Seriously though, I highly doubt it."

Connie pushed open the swinging door to the hockey facilities building and I followed her down the hall and to the locker rooms.

I walked over to my old locker, happy that it was still available. I set my bag down and began to change. Jeans and tank top off, baggy long sleeve and sweat pants, on.

"How was your first day?" Adam hugged me from behind and I smiled.

"It was fine. Not nearly enough classes with you though." I joked, as we had over half of our periods together.

"Ah you missed me, I knew it." He said back and leaned down to tie his skates. "But good news is, we're on the same hockey team."

"Really?" I widened my eyes and laughed.

"Let's go you two!" Goldberg hollered. "Always late."

I quickly pulled an Atlanta jersey over my head and walked out into the rink. Charlie was doing a few small warmups with the team, before Orion and the newbies showed up.

"You ready for the new players?" Julie skated over next to Connie and I as we did a puck handling drill.

"I'm excited!" Connie answered. "I mean, we already met Polly and she was nice. Lets hope for more girls."


A whistle sounded throughout the rink and we all skated to center ice, where Orion stood. 

"Welcome back Ducks!" He smiled at us as the team cheered and clapped. "I'm sure you're all anxious to meet our new additions so I won't keep you waiting any longer." He motioned to the group of skaters that leaned against the edge of the rink.

The team and I did a collective gasp at the first player Orion called forward.

"That can't be." Someone behind me whispered.

"This player..." Coach Orion put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "I hear is an old friend of the Ducks. Please welcome to the team, Jesse Hall."


d3 took him away but I BROUGHT HIM BACK BAM

𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 / 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang