"i'm rioting"

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"Jesse!" Charlie called out, making the boy smile. "Welcome back!"

"It's good to be back." Jesse nodded at us and skated to Orion's left. The next player, a girl, came to his right.

"This is Nina Piper. She joins us from Wisconsin and will make a wonderful addition to our team, I'm sure." Orion said, putting a hand on the girl's shoulder.

Nina scanned the group and flashed us a small smile before putting her head down. She was real pretty so I was sure the boys were glad to have her join the team. 

"Next is Joey Foster." A tall, dark haired boy skated forward and grinned. "He comes to us from Northern Minnesota and is an incredible puck handler."

"Thanks Coach." Joey nodded and moved down the line, next to Nina.

"Alright and this is Polly." The blonde girl waved at the team. "She came all the way from Nevada to join this team. What position do you play?"

Polly blushed. "Oh I usually play center."

"Wonderful." Orion said and she skated next to Joey. I frowned a bit. I was hoping for first line center this season, and I didn't want to have to compete against Polly.

"Lastly is someone you may know. This is Marco." The small boy skated forward and I gasped. 

"Marco, you're joining hockey?" I interrupted.

"I presume you know him then?" Orion laughed and I nodded. "Well yes, he is joining hockey. Marco comes from the soccer team, and we're glad to have him here."

The newbies all joined our group and we now stood in front of Orion, as a whole team. 

"Now that introductions are complete, we can begin practice. As most of you know, the first practice is used as tryouts, essentially. So just do your best, play the position you'd like and I'll place you accordingly." Orion nodded and we all dispersed, letting Charlie split us into teams. 

We weren't really competing for points but more for who could play each position best. Polly was on the opposite team so I figured we'd be facing off at the center position.

"Who's gonna be goalie?" Averman asked my team. Julie was on the other and Goldberg was no longer in that position. 

"I guess I can give it a shot." Marco shrugged and the team nodded.

"Have you ever played goalie?" I asked him with a laugh.

"All the time in soccer. It can't be much different right?" 

I shook my head and skated over to position. Polly joined me a moment later and we smiled at each other. I didn't want to compete with her but I wanted first line even more. 

Orion dropped the puck and the practice began.


"I forgot how much hockey practice makes me want to die." Goldberg flopped down onto the locker room bench and groaned.

"Is it like that all the time?" Joey sat next to the boy and began to untie his skates.

"I'm afraid so." Averman joined the two and put his arm around Joey. "But you'll get used to it eventually."

"If Orion puts us on Varsity again, I'm rioting." Adam whispered from behind me and I turned to face him.

"No kidding. I am staying right here with everyone else. Think you'll get the position you want?"

"Eh, I don't know. Hopefully. What about you?"

I shrugged and looked across the locker room. "Polly wants the same position as me so anything could happen."

"Alright team, you know the drill." Orion pushed through the door and everyone sat up. "B's or better, fifteen minutes in and out and stay clear if the Varsity." He approached the bulletin board and tacked up the position list. "I'll be in my office for a few extra minutes today so stop by if you have any questions. See you all tomorrow!" He cheerily walked out and I approached the board. 

A wave of relief washed over me as I saw Ella Silverton- First line center printed across the page. Polly had gotten second to me. I scanned a few more positions. Marco was second goalie, an impressive feat for never having played before. Adam had gotten his pick and Jesse was back where he had been at the Goodwill Games.

I smiled as I read Captain- Charlie Conway at the top of the page and thought back to the problems that position had caused the previous year. I was happy things were back how they should be.

"Hey guys, party at Joeys!" Goldberg hollered and the dark haired boy blushed.

"Only if you want to come. Celebrate first day of school and our positions." Joey held his hands up and smiled. "My parents say it's totally cool and I can send you all my address."

"That sounds like fun."

"Yeah, okay."

"Sounds good to me!"

Murmurs came from around the room and I turned to Adam. "Can you go?"

"I'm sure my parents will say it's okay. Need a ride?"

"Yep!" I grabbed his hand and we walked out to the parking lot together. We would need to stop back home first but after that it was to Joey's house for a party. 


this is kind of just a filler and introducing characters and positions so sorry it's so bad lol

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