Society's a Monster

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Thump. Thump. I jumped up from my bed, hugging my knees.


It got louder and louder by the minute.

"It'll pass." They say.

Children always go missing at night.

"Never leave." They demand.

Curiosity is human nature.

I wrapped my blanket round me, leaving the room.

I opened the door.


I jumped and looked around. Nothing was there, the hallway was empty. I closed my eyes out of tiredness, then opened them again.

The hall seemed darker. I looked around. Where had my door gone? Down the hall I noticed all the other doors had disappeared too. I began to panic. Sweat beaded down my face as I continued to look for a way out.

Scratch. Scratch.

Finally, I found a door. I'd never seen anything like it in this house before. It was old, birch and faded; white paint peeling and mould forming. I looked for a door handle to escape this cursed hallway when I noticed something. It was just a door. There were no hinges. There was no door knob. I was completely and utterly trapped! Any hope I had, faded, and I turned around to meet my fate; the large monster called Society roaring in my face.

Now I was going to be brainwashed too.

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