Somebody That I Used to Know

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Isn't it odd how you used to know someone?
The one from school who became a star.
That time you got coffee
With a man mad with cars…
Who now works from home and has hundreds of scars.

Whatever happened to my school disco date?
Is he the one that turned up late?
Ah, we once shared a kiss,
A peck on the lips!
I heard he now lives with a man called Chris.

Clearly I remember when we went for a drive,
We left late at night and came back in the light.
We watched the sunset
from the back of his car.
I wonder, does he remember the connection we shared?

Do old friends think of me like I think of them?
Trapped in a memory, is that how friendships end?
I knew someone once,
But time separates,
We should admit our memories, so that old friends remain.

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