Welcome to Our World

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Taj gives me a guilty smile and Zion looks out the window altogether. Guys tell me something because right now I my head is spinning and needing answers. Tell ME something. Zion turns towards me and I notice her eyes are silver. WTH? When did her eyes start doing all this?

Zion POV

I knew this day would come. We have been friends for so long that I'm suprised one of us hasn't slipped up yet. See Ephinany only knows parts of the reason Taj and I came to live with our aunt or rather our birth mother. Moving to the Palace was only supposed to be temporary until Mother could leave back to our land. Back to live with our kind: the vampires. But once King Austin started issuing the decrees and slaughtering our kind without a second glance, we had to lay low and stay close to Ephinany. Now it's time to tell her thr truth. Only pray she understands.


Zion has that look on her face. I know it's time to tell the truth but I can't help but feel that we need to wait until we're back on vampire land. But knowing Zion, that is definitely not happening. Oh well here goes nothing.

Ephinany POV

The Twins are giving each other looks. I don't know what is happening. Again I ask them to tell me.

E: Guys, it's okay. Whatever it is just say it.

Z: Well it's...

T: Complicated???

E: Well un-complicate ASAP.

Z: Ny remember how we came to live with our aunt. Well she was actually our birth mother. She gave us up because in our world, we are wanted.

E: Seriously? And you mean wanted as in criminals? You guys are criminals?

T: No not criminals. We are different or special. We have powers very powerful ones. 

E: Are you kidding me? 

T: No, we are powerful....well have powers....and those powers kinda help being that we are...

Z: Stop stuttering Taj, jeez. You never were one for breaking bad news. Ny, what Boozo is trying to say is that we have powers and that we are well kinda you know

E: Now who can't talk. Spit it out somebody damn.

At this time we finally come to a stop and the driver turns to Taj and Zion with a smile and says Welcome back Loyal Ones. 

E: Loyal Ones??? What are yall loyal to? Or is it whom?

Z: It's not what you think. We are only loyal to our creator, King Solomn. 

As Zi is talking, I feel a presence behind me. Turning around, I see the twins bow down and before me stands an older version of my Mystery Guy. Whoa am I seeing things? Finally he speaks as the Twins rise,

KS: Welcome back you two. The grounds have been dull these last few years without Thing 1 and 2's antics.

Looking at me, I swear I feel his eyes stare into my soul. Who is this guy and what hold does he have on the Twins?

KS: My you look just like your Mother, Princess. 

E: My Mother? How do you know her? Where am I?

KS: Oh you don't know? Well Princess Ephinany you are in my land, Alfyhiem: Land of the Vampires.

Did he just say his land? Better yet did he say VAMPIRES!

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