Chapter 8: A Rally and an Arrest

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It was now the night of the rally. It seemed like every newsie from New York City was in Irving Hall that night. Jack, David, Spot, and Abby were on the stage.

"Carryin' the banner," Jack yelled as the newsies cheered. "So, we've come a long way, but we ain't there yet and maybe it's only gonna get tougher from now on. But that's fine. We'll just get tougher with it. But also, we gotta get smart and start listening to my pal, David, who says, 'stop soakin' the scabs'."

"What are we supposed to do to the bums? Kiss 'em," Racetrack asked.

"Any scab I see, I soak 'em. Period," Spot said.
"No, no. That's what they want us to do. If we get violent, it's just playing into their hands," David said.
"Hey, look. They're gonna be playin' with my hands, alright. 'Cause it ain't what they say, it's what we say. And nobody ain't gonna listen to us unless we make 'em," Spot said, which caused the newsies in the crowd to argue.

"You got no brains. Why we startin' to fight each other? It's just what the big shots wanna see. That we're street rats! Street rats with no brains! No respect for nothin', includin' ourselves! So here's how it's gonna be. If we don't act together, then we're nothin'. If we don't stick together we're nothin'. And if we can't even trust each other, then, we're nothin'," Jack said.
"Tell 'em, Jack," Kid Blink yelled.

"So, what's it gonna be," Jack asked.
"We're with you, Jack," Racetrack answered.

"So, what about you, Spot," Jack asked.
"I say that what you say is what I say," he replied before spit-shaking with Jack.

The newsies cheered. Jack, Abby, Spot, and David walked off the stage. Medda walked on and the newsies cheered even louder.

Medda and newsies:
High times, hard times.
Sometimes the living is sweet.
And sometimes there's nothing to eat.
But I always lands on my feet.
So when there's dry times, I wait for high times, and then I put on my best.
And I stick out my chest.
And I'm off to the races again.

"Hello, newsies. What's new," Medda asked.

What no one knew was that the Crib and police were gathering outside. Snyder entered the theater.

So your old lady don't love you no more?
So you're afraid there's a wolf at your door?
So you've got street rats that scream in your ear?
Medda and newsies:
You win some, you lose some my dear!
Oh, high times, hard times
Sometimes the living is sweet.
And sometimes there's nothing to eat.
But I always lands on my feet.
So when there's dry times, I wait for high times, and then I put on my best.
And I stick out my chest.
And I'm off to the races again.
Medda (newsies):
I put on my best! (I put on my best!)
And I stick out my chest! (And I sticks out my chest!)
And I'm off! (And I'm off!)
And I'm off! (And I'm off!)
And I'm off!
Medda and newsies:
To the races again!

Abby noticed Snyder and told Spot and David. Denton tried to distract Snyder.

"Jack! Jack! It's Snyder," Abby said.
"What," he asked.
"It's Snyder. Right there," Abby answered while pointing to him.

Denton tried to distract Snyder one more time by taking a picture of him. Snyder was blinded by the flash and then blew a whistle. Cops came in and the newsies started to run. Jack took Abby's hand and pulled her through the crowd. Racetrack pulled Medda to safety. A man kicked Racetrack and started punching him. Medda walked up to the man and slapped him.

"No! No! For God's sake! He's just a child! Can't you see that? Racetrack," Medda yelled as the newsie got dragged away.

Jack and David took Abby and Les to a safe area. The two boys turned around and started fighting with the men. David sat down on Medda's swing and told Jack to push him. Jack did what he was told and David hit Snyder in the face. Jack ran off as David and some of the newsies held Snyder off. Jack started to run up the stairs only to get punched in the jaw by a man. He fell and got caught by the cops. David, Abby, and Les left and the boys walked her to the mansion.

"Here's where I live," Abby said.
"Wow! You have a mansion," Les asked.
"It's my grandparents'. I'll inherit it and all their money once they die," Abby said with a frown.
"You're thinking about Jack, aren't you," David asked.
"Yeah, I am. He finally asked me to be his girl the night we tried to rescue Crutchy. Now, I don't know if I'll ever see him again," Abby replied.
"Well, we might see him tomorrow in court. I'm sure you two will get to spend the rest of your lives together," David said.
"I hope you're right. You know, my grandfather was angry that Jack and I made the front page of the Sun. He told me that I couldn't be a newsie anymore. Luckily, Jack and I convinced him otherwise," Abby said.
"That's good. Les and I will see you at the courthouse with Denton tomorrow. I promise you the guys and I will find a way to keep you and Jack together," David said.
"Thanks, Dave," Abby said before hugging him.
"Good night, Abby," he said.
"Good night, Dave. Bye Les," she said as she walked into the mansion to see a worried Josephine.

"Thank God you're back. Where's Jack," Josephine asked.
"He got arrested, Grandmother," Abby answered.
"What did he do," Josephine asked.
"Nothing that I'm aware of. All we did was hold a city-wide rally for all the newsies in Medda's theater. I'm going to the courthouse with some of my newsie friends tomorrow," Abby said.
"Okay. Be safe tomorrow, Abby," Josephine told her as the girl went upstairs and headed to her bedroom.

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