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"What did you do?" Aubrey presses. "PLEASE tell me it has to do with that Bumper Sticker Bitch. Seeing her scream down the halls, stomping around in her Louboutins, is one of life's greatest entertainments."

I laugh, agreeing with that. "It might have something to do with the shitshow herself. You're all just going to have to wait and see."

They pass around the coffee cake I managed to bake in time this morning, and before long we walk into the school.

I walk over to my locker and grab my new books, but not before I catch a glimpse of Ethan rushing down the hall. I haven't see him in days, and I'm not going to lie, I've been kind of worried.

"Ethan!!" I shout down the hall, and he stops when he hears his name.

When he turns to look at me, I nearly drop my jaw. He looks like absolute hell.

Ethan's eyes have harsh dark circles underneath them, like he hasn't slept in weeks. He's pale and exhausted, with wrinkled clothes and hair that is the same beautiful caramel shade as mine is, but unruly and long.

He squints at me and turns away to go to class.

I hadn't seen him in days, but I assumed he was still coming and going to the house. Maybe he hasn't been home in a while. I need to talk to him, and soon.

I make my way to homeroom, my mind running with thoughts about my brother.

When I sit down in my usual desk, though, I hear the familiar bell and the beginning of the morning announcements.

"Hey, Haven," Jenna greets me. I smile and wave back as she sits a row over.

"Good morning, Eve Hall High students and faculty," Jonah begins, his voice calm and collected. "There are ten announcements for you all this morning. First, the cafeteria will be taking suggestions for vegan options over the next few weeks."

Jonah drones on and on about the Chess Club fundraisers, a reminder about Thanksgiving break protocol, a ton of other boring details I could happily have never heard.

Finally—after several torturous minutes of actually paying attention to the morning announcements for once—he gets to my addition.

"Senior cheer captain Emily Huntington is creating a teen parenting support group for fellow teen moms, or expecting teen parents," Jonah says, not at all sounding amused or excited about the content of the announcement.

I vaguely wonder if he knows who Emily is, but I don't think there's anyone on campus who doesn't. It's a fairly small school, and Emily likes her presence to be known.

He continues, "Emily says, 'I am so excited for my own journey to be starting, and to do what I can to help those around me going through the same things.' Those interested in joining this teen parenting club should contact Emily Huntington immediately with questions and concerns."

A few of the others in my class look around confused, a few of them laugh out loud. I scan the room and see that Jenna looking around, particularly shocked by that news.

A few other senior girls immediately start gossiping loudly, as I can hear them all the way on the other side of the classroom.

"Emily Huntington is pregnant?!"

If only I could see Emily's face right now.


After several texts from all my friends about the prank I somehow pulled off this morning, I meet them all at lunch with a huge, quite proud, grin.

Peyton, Beckett, and I all walk to lunch together, as we often do, since we have fourth period together.

"Ave, I had no idea what you were planning," Kace starts, "but you far exceeded my expectations on this one."

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