Chapter 11: Beginning of a Rivalry

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The Abby Lee Dance Company were at the Burbank Airport Marriott & Convention Center and one of the rooms were used as their dressing room and they were getting ready.

"Remember this, once you leave the stage, the dancer after you better think it's the best performance of your life!" Abby told them.

Suddenly, the door from the hallway opened and coming in was none other than Cathy, who had a picnic basket in her hands and Vivi was with her, but they weren't alone, with them was a red haired boy around and a girl with blonde hair around ten.

"Surprise!" Cathy said as Abby, Shane, Lauren, Skye, the moms and the girls were surprised at Cathy making her presence known and even Megan and Sylvia were as surprised even though they had met her once. "Hello, everybody!"

"Hi...what in blazes are you doing in Los Angeles?" Abby wondered, still surprised.

"I've got a little something for you." Cathy gave Abby the picnic basket. "In case if you're wondering, i'm here in the hotel even though i don't like the hotel. I would like to introduce you to somebody, this is Justice and allow me to introduce you to Taylor. Taylor's a three time title winner, would you like to tell them what titles you've won."

"I've won Junior Miss Dynamite, Junior Miss KAR and Junior Miss Nexstar." Taylor announced.

"Taylor, those are nice, but i'm a eight time champion going on nine, six time regional champion and also if you add five Mr. Dance of Illinois awards and other awards that i've won, that means i've won twenty eight titles, so take that."

Taylor and Justice had looks of envy over hearing the accolades that Shane had won and so did Vivi while Cathy rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, Vivi and Justice are going to be duing a duet together and i believe that Mackenzie and the girl you brought to replace Vivi, Brookie will be competing against them, so that should be very interesting." Cathy said, then she saw Megan and Sylvia. "Taylor, Justice, that's one of Abby's old loser dancer, Nutty Meg and her birdbrained mother, Sylvia."

"Cathy, watch yourself, if anyone's the birdbrain, it's you." Megan retorted. "I may be 16 like Shane is, but in the ALDC, we don't take any mess."

"What she said." Sylvia stated.

"It's surprising to see you in Los Angeles, Cathy. We all thought you were done for the rest of the season." Holly commented.

"Yeah, but you know i'm here because a particular..." Cathy looked over at Kelly. "...somebody told me to bring it on, so you can consider it brought."

"Seriously, Cathy?" Shane rolled his eyes. "You don't even come out to Los Angeles, from what we've heard, you do all those competitions out in Ohio."

"I'm here, we've never done it before, so we wanted to give it a try." Cathy retorted. "You know, kick around fresh new choreography and not old, stale, obsolete and boring. For me, i don't have the vision of using the same old stuff because you think it works."

"No she didn't go there with Abby's choreography!" Megan growled as Abby, Gianna and Shane looked irate.

"She did." Sylvia responded.

"You don't want to go there with mom, she'll wreck you." Lauren warned Cathy.

"Zip it, you little brat!" Cathy retorted. "This is between me and your mother!"

"Don't talk to my daughter that way!" Abby roared.

"Yeah!" Shane added, in defense of his sister. "Cathy, my mom has kids working all over the place, we could walk into any..."

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