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Hello, my name is John and I am 15 years old, I have a goal and that is to tell you about an experience, something that happened to me and I need the rest of the world to listen to me so that this does not continue to happen; Since I was little I am different in one way or another, I am very attractive but I am not popular, I am very intelligent but nobody realizes it, because I am a little shy, rather I am afraid of the rest of society because they are all very aggressive and lustful and I cannot cope with this situation, I was not born for this. Literally everyone makes fun of me and tells me things that little by little destroy me inside, everyone calls me maric *** and mocks me contemptuously, I am not gay but if I were I still do not understand the reason why everyone is making fun, this is hurting me, but they are not only my friends, also my parents think that I am mannered and they scold me for that, they tell me that this is wrong and that I look bad, this is destroying me, but I am afraid and before facing all this I prefer to adapt to living under these prejudices, but I never thought about the damage that this would cause in me. Time has passed and I am already adapting to offenses and damages, but I am adapting in such a way that I think I am gay, I do not know why but I am different and this is not normal so I am realizing that I am gay And now I am very afraid. Years have passed and I am a teenager, I begin to see things from another perspective but I do not stop being different, only I begin to see things from other perspectives and well I am literally not gay, because I am attracted to a young woman. Well I tell you that the young woman obviously does not want to be with me, I invite her to dance, to go out, I look for her every day and she does nothing but stand me up, I feel very bad and I can not stop thinking that I am a loser, I'm different and nobody cares about that, I'm useless; time goes by and I have not yet flirted with any girl, I see how the rest of my colleagues talk about their first time and other experiences and I have not even flirted with any girl, I am confused and sure I am a loser but I see a light at the end of the tunnel and decide to turn or try to be part of the rest. From that moment I stopped listening to romantic music and started listening to reggetón and then I also tried to go out on party nights with classmates, in the long run I realized that I was still a resounding loser. Anyway, several years have passed and I finally flirt with an attractive girl, but for some reason she is more dominant than myself in the relationship,for this reason nothing has worked and now that I realize, I don't even feel good about it, one more proof that explains that I'm not normal. Now a long time has passed and I am still young and the truth I am very sorry for not having realized before how beautiful I am in my way, I am worth a lot and the fact of being different makes me interesting and unique, there are still many people who He says very ugly and hurtful things, I do not deny it, but nothing that destroys me because I have learned to value myself and I have realized how beautiful I am, currently I maintain a relationship with myself and the truth is I confess that there is a time of our youth that we must have a relationship with ourselves, we must look in the mirror and see how beautiful we are, it is of little use to me that you are black, gay, skinny, fat or that you are clumsy and unjust because that is you and thus I love you , I love all those who suffer and I feel part of me, but before anyone loves them, the most important thing is to love yourself and not forget how valuable we are, never fight to change because God created us that way and he did not make mistakes, we are all perfect and everything We must realize that loving yourself and forgetting about the rest of the world for a while is sensibly loving your neighbor; I must recognize my mistakes and how silly I was not being able to value myself and realize how good it is to fall in love with my defects and learn to live with them, that is the only way to be free and only by being yourself will you fall in love with someone that values ​​you and makes you feel loved. Be yourself.

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