The First Prank (Already!)

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Harry and Ginny waited until all the Slytherins left the table, before going out into the entrance hall, and throwing the cloak over them. They then waited outside the slytherin common room for about half an hour to make sure everyone was inside. When they were certain they were, It was time to act.

"Get ready to run" Ginny whispered as she got a swamp-bomb out of her bag "three, two, one" She threw it, and the pair ran to the end of the hallway (luckily they had practice running together under the cloak) and admired their work. Then a cat came around the corner

"Shit, how old is mrs Norris" Harry muttered
"Lets go" Ginny whispered and they walked to the Gryffindor common room


"Where have you two been?!" Remus asked when we got into the common room
"you'll see" Harry and Ginny said together
"Oh no you sound like James and Sirius once they've done something" Peter groaned
"Like we said, You'll see" Ginny said as hermione came into the room
"Oh no what have you guys done" She said to Harry and Ginny
"Why does everyone think we've done something!?" Harry said in disbelief
"We haven't!" Ginny agreed (they were very good liars"
"Very well come on then Grace" Hermione said
"One minute!" Ginny said quickly "Come round here Har"
Harry followed her, hermione stayed with the marauders.
"Map" Ginny said holding her hand out
"What why?" Harry asked
"Harry your sleeping in a dorm with the marauders, who have their own map, you don't want them finding out you have one too" She explained
"Ohh right" Harry said taking out the parchment "but keep it on you"
"I will, and the cloak?" she asked
"I want to keep it, ill hide it in my pillowcase at night and then i can put a undetectable extension charm on my robe pocket, then if i stick a zip on there i can put the cloak in there, and zip it up so you cant get it by using accio" He explained
"Ok ill do the same with the map" Ginny confirmed "Night harry"
"Night gin" He said as ginny kissed her on the cheek and followed hermione up the girls staircase

"We'll show you to the boy's room, Ryders already up there" Remus said smiling
"Great!" Harry grinned

The dorm was the exact same room Harry, Ron, Dean, Seamus and Neville shared at Hogwarts, just with an extra bed.
"So Harley what did you actually do?" James asked rapidly
"I told you, you'll see tomorrow" Harry said grinning

Ron quickly scribbled a note and threw it to harry

(also burn this note and say something random so noone thinks your a death eater or something)

"Incendio" Muttered Harry "Ryder Watson, i'm currently dating your sister, and you think i have a crush on Lily Evans!? Besides gingers aren't my type"

Everyone laughed

Harry scribbled a note back to Ron and threw it

Swamp-bomb outside slytherin common room haha
(btw this is a letter saying you have a crush on Professor Quirell, a teacher at out old school)

Ron Grinned, then scowled and also burned the letter "I do not, have a crush on professor Quirell"
"Whos he?" Peter asked
"Teacher at our old school" Harry said grinning
"Also Pot- Pace i have a girlfriend remember!"
Ron said, also grinning
"Blimey i forgot" Harry laughed

"Anyway lets go to sleep, we have lessons tomorrow" Remus said
"Fine moony!" Sirius said climbing into bed
"Night guys"
There was a chorus of "night" from around the room as everyone dozed off.

Back in Time (EDITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin