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"Umm I'm not sure yet. Maybe just a trim. I like my long hair." I smiled at the hairdresser.

"It is pretty gorgeous and luscious" she said complimenting my long hazel coloured hair that reached the end of my back.

"What about we cut it half way down your back?" She said combing my wet hair.

"Okay..."I said unsure on what to decide.

"Awesome! And the colour? Would you like to go wild with that? Or just simple?" She asked.

"WILD!" Screamed my sister from the other end of the salon. Another hairdresser was washing her hair. Bethany's hair reached the start of her shoulders, but she had crazy curls, just like Liz.

I was the only sibling that had wavy hair. Even Jake had crazy curls that covered his hazel-greenish eyes.

"Shut up Beth" I mocked. "I really don't know" I sighed at the hairdresser.

"Do you want to dye all your hair?" She asked.

"Umm maybe. Yeah." I answered.

"Then I know the perfect colour that would suit your face and tan skin." She spoke excitedly. "Do you trust me and my crazy mind?" She laughed.

"Yeah, but please keep it human-like."


"I still can't get over your hair little one." stated Bethany.

"Me neither." I said twirling a stand of my now flashy red and blonde tips around my finger.

"I don't like mines though." She complained. "It's almost the same thing."

Actually that was true. She only dyed the tips of her hair dirty blonde. It still looked stunning on her. A change is never that bad.

"I like it." I smiled.

"Where to now?" She asked driving down the crowded streets.

"Where ever" i shrugged.

"The beach?" She suggested.

"It's freezing Bethany."

"I like the cold." She cheered.

"I don't Beth. Besides I'm tired." I said resting my head on window.

"The home it is then." She sighed.


"Who are you texting?" I poked Bethany.

"None of your business. Stop being nosey." She teased.

"Tell meeee" I whined.

"Someone!" She spat.

"Who is it Beth!!!" I nagged.

"Okay it's someone I met at university. He's new. He dropped out of school for awhile and then caught up now. And he has these sharp green marble eyes..." She spoke dreamily.

"Oh shut up." I laughed. "I don't want you falling in love."

"Why not?"

"Because love is stupid. It's like caging your heart for someone else's. I'm not that type of person. I can't be confined by a guy. Not now. We are all too young." 

She seemed to ignore what I said and continue texting.

"What's his name?" I wondered.

"Beau. Why?"

"Oh really? That's like the name of the twins' brother. But that one is probably gone now. He was seriously injured."

"Can you stop remembering these people? They're gone." She said rudely.

"N-no. Maybe not. Haven't you read 'She's not invisible'? Coincidences might be so close, closer than you can even imagine." I explained referring to a book by Marcus Sedgwick.

"Enough with all the geeky talks." She laughed.

"Okay" I laughed in sync. Maybe these coincidences do have a mystery behind them.


She's Confined » Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now