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Did someone say welcome committee? 

Phoenix smiled as she applied some more lipgloss, not exactly her favourite one but just one of the many she had. Her hair falling straight past her shoulders. The girl glanced behind her locker door and into the hallway filled with students gossiping left and right. Once more she practiced her smile, today was the day that the Scholarship students were coming to Las Encinas.

It's not exactly a secret that Las Encinas was a school where all the preppy rich kids go and Phoenix was one of them. She can't deny that her family is well off, she grew up with two hard working and loving parents and an older brother that annoys the shit out of her, It's definitely more then she could ask for. Phoenix made her way down the hall after grabbing her stuff, smiling and greeting her fellow classmates, she was almost halfway to the down the hall when she smiled.

"Phee Hola mi reina"

Phoenix smiled once again, not even having to  turn around to know who's voice it belonged to. " You know if you keep calling me your queen people might start think somethings going on". She leaned into the embrace of my one of her best friends.

Ander gave her a cheeky grin before speaking  " and what's wrong with that huh?" The pair chuckled before he lead them both further down the hallway.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Ander, she smirked stopping right before classroom doorway, reaching up to touch touch his cheek. "But don't worry Cariño you'll always be my number one". She couldn't help but smile when she was around him.

Ander quickly turned his head to meet her palm, leaving a kiss in its place. He smiled down at her a made his way into the classroom not before sending her a wink.

Phoenix chuckled softly before she noticed a boy, unlike the rest he looked timid with his hands in his pocket, dark hair that falls just a little bit over his eyes which she couldn't really tell but they looked to be dark brown. Slightly in front of him stood another boy with the sides of his head shaved, two studded ear rings which she could  admit was kinda hot. But she definitely wasn't gonna tell him that to his face, you can see the confidence oozing out of him. And next to him was a girl with a hijab, her gaze shifting every once in a while to take in the her surroundings.

" If you look to your left you can see my hopes and dreams jumping out that exact window". Phoenix laughed as she approached the trio.

" You're funny I like that."

" I try my best" She shrugged looking at the cute boy, and what do you know cute boy has a name Christian.... him i like it.

" Well, I can show you to your class and if you have any other questions or just want to chat you can come and find me". I turned my attention to the Samuel as he introduced himself, and my Gods he is way cuter up close.

We all made our way into the classroom I quickly found my seat next to Ander, who welcomed me with a smile and a kiss on the cheek. " you know the new kids are not that bad". I said while taking my notes out of my bag.

"Is that so."Ander spoke, I turned in my seat to face him with a nodding once again . I could feel Guzmán's eyes on me which isn't a surprise but like always I didn't pay much attention to him. " so much so that I think this years about to be more than we expected". Tapping Anders chest softly I faced forward just in time for Martín to enter the classroom.

"Good Morning class, how is everyone? Please everyone sit".Martín requested in English as he walked into the room, shutting the door behind him."Okay so, today as we all know, we have three new students with us.So, let's meet them. First up Christian Valera."

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