Chapter 1357-1361

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Chapter 1357: Mysterious World

After a few wild rounds, Zhao Fu was quite delighted as he found that his cultivation was about to break through, so he immediately sat up and went into a cultivation state.

Zhao Fu was currently at Stage 9 and if he broke through, he would reach the Saint Realm. Zhao Fu had been very close to breaking through before, but because of his Divine Bloodline, his cultivation had declined by a bit. However, he had become stronger.

A group of panting women lay on the carpet. Mei Qiangu and the four Generals' faces were all red and were still intoxicated by the pleasure from before.

Mei Xianggu said weakly, "Now you know what it feels like! Have you fallen in love with it? Our husband's reputation for being licentious and powerful down there is not false at all."

Mei Qiangu powerlessly nodded, "I had never thought that I would feel such pleasure. Husband really is a counter to the Charm Devil Race. Big sis Xianggu, please teach me more techniques to serve husband. I want to be done by him every day."

The four Generals also said weakly, "We're also willing to follow our Queen to serve husband. Please teach us as well."

Mei Xianggu gave a sinister smile. She was older than Mei Qiangu and the Generals, and she had a lot of experience in the palace; she had no reason to talk to these people unless there was some goal.

From how she saw things, the Charm Devil World was bound to become Great Qin's sooner or later. Zhao Fu's harem had so many people, and most of them were incredibly beautiful. She needed to gather Charm Devil women to develop her faction so that she could wield more power in Great Qin.

Zhao Fu was now completely focused on cultivating, and Saint Realm power spread through Zhao Fu's body. Zhao Fu's Stage 9 Cultivation power was currently being condensed into Saint Realm power.

The massive difference between Stage 9 and the Saint Realm was one of power and essence. Stage 1 to Stage 9 only had ordinary cultivation power, while Saint Realm power was a higher-tier power.

This higher-tier power was much more powerful than ordinary cultivation power. Saint Realm power reigned above all ordinary powers.

Without any higher-tier powers, an ordinary Stage 9 expert would have no hope in defeating a Saint Realm expert.

Now, Zhao Fu's body had gathered Saint Realm power, but the process was not yet over; what made Saint Realm experts powerful was their Saint Realm Domain.

Zhao Fu was currently comprehending his Saint Realm Domain. Heaven and Earth Power quickly gathered, and Zhao Fu's body gave off intense light as Saint Realm power shot out.

The women lying powerlessly on the carpet's expressions fell, and they felt terror on a bloodline level as Zhao Fu's Divine Bloodline power was released. Their bodies gradually became cold; in front of this might, they felt as if there was an insurmountable mountain in front of them.

"Big sis Xianggu, just what is husband's bloodline? My Royal Bloodline can't resist it at all, and it has completely surrendered under that aura." It was the first time Mei Qiangu had been so terrified before.

Mei Xianggu naturally did not know. Zhao Fu did not tell her much, and under the aura of this bloodline, her face became somewhat pale.

However, she still pretended that she was close with Zhao Fu; only then could she have Mei Qiangu and the others defer to her. As such, she said profoundly, "Our husband's bloodline is a heaven-shaking secret; it's best that you don't know, or else the consequences could be severe."

Hearing this, the other women all believed it. They put on their clothes and did not dare to stay here, or they could be caught up in the shockwaves.


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