Chapter 1222-1226

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Chapter 1222: Nothingness Beast

Zhao Fu put an arm around Lin Yan'Er and jumped down the dark hole. At the same time, Zhao Fu sent all of his power into the Seraph Sword, causing blinding white light to spread out and illuminate their surroundings as they quickly fell.

A while later, Zhao Fu saw the ground. It seemed that this dark hole was not very deep, but in the next instant, Zhao Fu's strength seemed to vanish.

This caused Zhao Fu to feel quite startled; the Emperor's Domain and Saint Realm Domains all disappeared, and his body powerlessly plummeted towards the ground.

Lin Yan'Er tried to fly up with Zhao Fu, but she also started to powerlessly fall. They heavily crashed against the ground.

Zhao Fu coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood and got up from the ground with great difficulty. Lin Yan'Er wiped the blood from her mouth and powerlessly lay on the ground.

After reaching this place, all of their strength seemed to have disappeared; even their most basic strength was gone, so Zhao Fu felt that even getting up was a struggle.

"What is this place? Why is it so strange?" Zhao Fu looked around in the darkness. Because Zhao Fu had unlocked Vision, he could see in the dark. However, he was not very proficient at using it, and the Light Pearl had also become ineffective.

Tap, tap, tap...

Footsteps could be heard, and there seemed to be some creature moving this way. Zhao Fu held the dimmed Seraph Sword and warily looked ahead.

Currently, even their weapons' power had disappeared.

Zhao Fu could now see what had walked out. It was three meters tall and had a goat-like head, human body, and a pair of goat-like feet. Its body was covered with white fur, and it held a massive pitchfork.

It looked quite surprised as it saw Zhao Fu. It had never thought that anyone who reached here would have the strength to stand up.

However, it soon realized the reason, and it gave a savage smile as it said, "Sovereign Bloodline! It's actually such a pure Sovereign Bloodline! And it's so high-grade as well, to the point it's a trace away from breaking through to a Divine Bloodline! No wonder he still has some strength."

After muttering to itself, the monster looked at Zhao Fu and said, "Boy, today's the day that you die! To be able to die at my hands is your glory."


After speaking, the monster appeared in front of Zhao Fu and grabbed towards him. Zhao Fu only had a bit of strength and was unable to resist at all.


A gray-white sword light suddenly flashed out, bringing with it a sharp aura as it slashed towards the defenseless monster. The monster was sent flying and crashed against the ground with a thin wound on its chest, from which green blood continuously flowed out.

The monster was not very heavily injured, and it got up in confusion as it looked at Zhao Fu and said, "Boy, how do you still have the strength to fight?"

Zhao Fu's expression was cold and he did not answer it. All of his power had indeed disappeared, but he still had the Six Paths Demon Images' power.

Their power had been sealed, and Zhao Fu could use it at any time. It was not affected by this place, so it had not disappeared.

However, after that power entered Zhao Fu's body, it would instantly vanish. Zhao Fu had attacked the moment the power had entered him, after which it had immediately disappeared. Right now, there was no strength within Zhao Fu's body at all.

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