I'm Not Running Away

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This town, it's been good but something I learned from Angus is

"Only a fool would do the same things everyday and expect progress"

Kinda poetic isn't it? He probably just read it in a book or something but he has a point. What I truly want above all is progress and a fast one at that.

I am now leaving Wyrin for the reason that I cannot find the progress I'm looking for here, in a town that has everything set out for it I wouldn't be able to become powerful here.

Yes I know, what about Tron and the rest? I'll tell you right now that they'll be fine. Those people had their own story to tell one with the myth Dullahan and I am still hoping to write mine.

As I prepare to head out early in the morning I see Pent approaching me with that smug looking face of a kid who caught his classmate doing bad and threatening to tell the teacher.

"What do you want some candy?" I asked from that comment I made earlier on my mind, he probably won't get it.

"Why because I look like a kid who's about to report you to the teacher?"

Well I stand corrected. As expected from a "funny" support character, you know your way in sarcastic comments.

"Well I already left a letter to Tron about my leave"

"Fascinating so did I. Now what I want to know is where are you going?"

"Who knows, I'm an adventurer! Aslong as there are places to go I will always be travelling"

"Interesting answer. How about I come with you?"

"Well your free to do as you please but what about your party or the Dullahan? You have a part to play in that don't you?"

"Who knows? I don't care really, I go where is most interesting for me and whether or not you accompany me I'll still be leaving"

"Alright it would be safer than going alone"

"Good choice"

And that is how Pent Stylus became part of my story. Now I am going analysis mode right now and say Pent's main character is the deceased Piere who seemed to be the one the supporting characters Hailey and Pent revolve on and with him dead Pent has no choice but to look for another person to support and I am honored.

As soon we leave town we are approached by a caravan like a hero would encounter as soon as continuing their adventure.

Oh it feels nice to be a main character.
Mom, dad if your reading this your little boy has become a main character. I hope your proud because I sure am.

The man inside told us he need a few body guards because of the frequent appearance of bandits and Pent and I agreed to help Well me suggesting like the main character I am and he agreeing.

Next we're going to take a break and I'll meet a beautiful girl who's either the merchant's daughter or a noble being escorted to whatever town these guys are going to.

And surprise surprise the caravan lost a few wheels and we decided to take a break where a beautiful girl went out and decided to join our camp as we spent there the night since you know horse aren't nocturnal.

If I was the one who made horses I'd definetly make a night mode where the horse gets night vision and it's hoofs become legs and why? Because I said so that's why! You have no right to judge my opinions non existent readers from another world.

So yeah pretty cliché stuff about the merchants trading North and there being a few robbers but what wasn't cliché was the girl who is apparently the daughter of a fallen bandit king who was killed when a sudden landslide hit their base and the before infant Freya was the remaining survivor who the Brigand king sacrificed himself to save.

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