Real Life Sucks

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A quick recap of the past events. After 2 years of training under Argus of everything about being an adventurer like how to not get robbed or stabbed by a random stranger I decided to leave Regara kingdom where I lived all my life and unto Euphillia kingdom where I wanted to start anew.

Upon entering a slightly wealthy town named Wyrin I decided to challenge a random student and got trashed terribly soon being seen by an adventurer who apparently saw me as an interesting person and invited me to their party.

In the middle of what was supposed to be a simple goblin hunting quest came a troll which was a fierce opponent known for its powerful strikes which sadly hit an ally of mine named Aldan

I managed to defeat it but it was too late for Adlan.

Right now we just finished attending his funeral and Tron our leader decided to take a day off break which they seem to have badly needed after losing 2 allies in just a month.

Welp the I practically just. summarised the whole chapter 3 and for those who skipped it I can't blame you it's really progressed slowly since recently and if you have a complaint feel free to in your picture box, how do I know about that? Well I read about fantasies of worlds without magic and would you believe that? A world where things are actually explained? It's weird but since I put fantasy in my genre I'm guessing that if there would be anyone who'd read this it's probably from there I mean no one normal would read this back here.

Anyhow I'm kinda depressed right now and flt like venting some steam so I decided to write the first and second part and I don't know what title I'll put meh maybe I'll have proper ones when I publish this.

While writing peacefully in a tree a girl approached me it was Fallow the girl I met yesterday.

"Oh mister adventurer your still here"
She said as she sat next to me and started reading her book

"This is actually my favorite reading spot" she continued

"Oh am I bothering you?"

"Ah no please stay"

Well if you said yes I would have stayed anyway so alright.

"Is Reggie around?"
I asked a few moments later

"Oh dear your not going to ask for a rematch are you?"
And if she wasn't so kind I'd probably hear "I won't be bringing your weak trashed body back next time"

"Ah no no that won't end well, actually I was going to ask for some magic advice"

"Why? Something bothering you?"

"Well I just want some pointers"

"Well if you don't mind how about I give it to you?"

"What money? I may look poor but I can actually make it miss I refuse"

"No dummy I mean magic advice I'm actually a better mage user than Reggie you know"

"Good thing I didn't challenge you then, and I'll humbly accept"

She then started touching my chest saying it was necessary for checking my magic.

This is the point where the girl develops feelings for the hero but sadly I'm not the hero and as things go it might be the other way around.

As my heart was beating really hard an arguement started in my mind

"This is it boys today we become a man!"

"Idiot don't add any more embarrassment to our life"

"She's definetly fallen for our manly charms!"

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