Under Pressure

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Soon after Christmas, the other students returned to Hogwarts. Athena had nearly bitten my hand off by the time she returned from her long trip. I could understand her anger; she had just flown from Canada to Ireland then back to England and Scotland. I had sent her on a mission to deliver letters to everyone who had given me a gift. I took her up to the Owlery as soon as I could, and the minute she went up to her own perch, she turned her back to me.

"Fine, be that way." I scoffed, stifling a laugh as I the left the Owlery. 

The feeling of freedom vanished immediately once we no longer had the castle to ourselves. Actually, forget that. The knowledge that there were now Slytherins walking all over the castle drained the happiness from the world. That's a more accurate statement. 

And on top of that, the professors had decided that the first week back in classes was the best time to give us more homework than we'd ever had before.  Our joy from the holidays disappeared by the end of Double Transfiguration. 

After a lengthy amount of lecture and practice on the Softening Charm, McGonagall assigned us extra practice on the spell as well as an essay on ways the charm could be misused. Noticing eyes getting bigger all around her classroom, she called us to attention.

"I am pleased you all had a wonderful holiday, but now it is time to get back to work. While your O.W.Ls may be quite a ways away, you will have the opportunity to start new classes next term. I suggest you prepare for a heavier workload now." Fred groaned beside me, earning a sour look from McGonagall and a jab in the arm from me. 

Our other classes were no different. Throughout the day, we picked up a handful of homework. For Defense Against the Dark Arts, we had to compare Muggle and Wizard's interpretations of a Yeti ("They're big and ugly no matter who you are", according to George). Binns was as cheerful as ever in History of Magic and assigned everyone with a 14-inch essay on the historical significance of the Statute of Secrecy.

"I don't think you should have to do it, you should at least get a reward for staying awake for that." Fred said, pushing through a massive yawn.

After dinner was Astronomy. I had a small dash of hope that Professor Sinistra would take pity on us and forget to assign the homework. She did not. Just after the sun was setting, we started trying to look at Saturn and it's moons. We were then given a chart to fill out for the next lesson. 

The walk back to the common room was strange. It was a rare moment where the twins were silent and it was incredibly uncomfortable. I had to fix that quickly.

"Don't look so sad, you two. I'm good for more than just witty jokes, you know." I smiled and look between the two of them. They brightened up and finally seemed to remember that one of us actually pays attention in class.

We passed by Charlie and Thomas as we entered the Common Room.

"Hey, Charlie, care to help us with homework?" Fred called out once they were passed.

"I'd love to, dear brother, but we've got N.E.W.Ts to study for." He responded just before the portrait of the Fat Lady closed behind him. Mum hadn't warned me about those yet, she had only ever mentioned O.W.L's. George saw my confusion.

"Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test. Bill got loads of them, never seen Mum happier." 

"Can't wait to disappoint her again." Fred shot back, grinning.

"You're quite good at that." I said just loud enough for them to hear. That was like a compliment to them.

We assembled ourselves around the fireplace and started to pull out the piles of work we needed to get started on. 

Guts and Glory - Trouble with Twins, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now