The Burrow

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I was so happy to be heading back to the Burrow. We had a few days before it was time to leave for Hogwarts, and that meant lots of time to hang out with the Weasley siblings. Ginny would be there, and being around her was always amazing. But not only that, the entire Weasley family would be there this summer. I would get the chance to get to know Bill, the oldest brother. He recently started working for Gringotts as a Curse-breaker, something I found very cool. Whenever it was mentioned, Mrs. Weasley expressed her fear.

"It's awfully dangerous." She had said, shaking her head. She didn't seem fond of his long hair either, but I thought it was cool.

While Percy was almost never around us, we occasionally forced him into a conversation. He was already reading his books for fourth year. He repeatedly expressed a need to study for his O.W.L.S, despite the fact that they were over a year away. 

The twins and I spent the most time around Charlie. This would be his last year at Hogwarts, and by extension, his last year as Quidditch captain. It was hard to imagine anyone else taking over as Seeker, but it would be interesting to see. We planned to spend these last days of summer holiday either playing or discussing the sport. He had even sent an owl to my mum, asking her all sorts of questions. His excitement from receiving a swift response made his siblings laugh, and I was sure it would make Mum extremely happy. 

Besides even Quidditch, Charlie leaving school would be very strange. We had started to become much closer. He never failed to talk to me in the hallways and he had been the one who encouraged me to try out for the Gryffindor team. You could always rely on Charlie for a good laugh. 

But right now, that wasn't important. We were all here together, and we were going to make the most of it. 

It was starting to get dark outside, and Fred had the brilliant idea of putting on a little show with his new supply of fireworks. The trouble was getting every single Weasley outside at once. Mrs. Weasley was running around, charming the pots and pans to clean themselves, Mr. Weasley was in the kitchen examining a new Muggle item he had found out and about, Bill was packing for Egypt, Charlie was talking Ron's ear off all sorts of magical creatures, Percy was obviously locked in his room studying, and Ginny could be found following after her brother's, trying to get their attention. This family was never short of chaos. 

Fred and George ran upstairs to try convincing Percy, and I followed to get Charlie and Ron. Ginny had run up behind, excited to have someone who would pay her any mind. I poked my head in Ron's room.

"Get downstairs, we're watching fireworks!" I winked at Ron, who looked relieved that he didn't have to hear anymore about Ukranian Ironbellies or Nifflers.

I backed up just in time to see the twins dragging Percy out of his room and start wrestling him down the stairs. The sound of Mrs. Weasley scolding them was loud in my head, but I didn't have to imagine it for long.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" She shrieked, startling the four of us still on the upper floor. Bill had even come out of his room to investigate.

"Just trying to get the family together, Mum." Fred grinned.

"ARE YOU ALSO TRYING TO BREAK YOUR BROTHERS HEAD OPEN!?" The yelling continued. They got to the bottom of the stairs, and we all followed suit.

Lifting Percy up to his feet, George simply replied, "Well, it worked, didn't it? Nobody got hurt and we're all here now."

Charlie and Bill snickered from behind; they were lucky their mum was too preoccupied to notice. Mrs. Weasley yelled at them a bit more, but she eventually relented and skulked outside with everyone else. By now, the sun had completely set, and only the glow of the moon illuminated us. Fred and George led the way outside, after grabbing the bag from the joke shop. It was a sea of red flooding out into the front yard. I was glad I didn't stick out too much with my almost auburn brown head of hair. I felt like family. 

When the whole clan was assembled, surrounded by the faint clucking of chickens in the background, myself and the twins each placed one on the ground and started them, and they soared into the air and exploded into color. They were wonderful to look at when they were this size, but it became even better when Bill cast an Engorgement Charm, causing them to swell double their size. 

Everyone's eyes lit up, some out of fear and some in excitement. I saw the always enthusiastic Mr. Weasley put his arm around his wife, smiling, while she had her eyes tracing the fireworks. Percy noticeably took a step back, but Ginny smiled and cheered, even running over to her brother and trying to pull him back. Seeing her so happy was a welcome sight. 

We all stayed and watched for a while longer, until the firework finally started to fade, and once that happened, we were left with only the moon to guide us back into the house. While all of us were sent up to bed, Ron, Ginny and Percy were the only ones who listened. We were all tempted to force Percy to stay with us but it was decided that he had already been tortured enough tonight.

And so, the rest of us went upstairs to hang out in Bill and Charlie's room. Being in a room with my favorite people, knowing most of us would be heading back to Hogwarts soon, was incredible. I smiled over at the twins. They couldn't begin to understand how much they and their whole family meant to me. I loved my family, I did. My mum never failed to make me happy. But being here, with the Weasleys... It felt like home. 

"You lot ready for second year?" Charlie asked us.

"Why shouldn't we be? There's Quidditch this year, and the classes can't be much worse." I said confidently.

"Aren't you disappointed you're not Head Boy?" Fred couldn't help himself.

"Dumbledore would be mental to make me Head Boy. I wouldn't care enough. And I don't think I could handle having to chase the three of you out of trouble." That got a laugh out of everyone. 

"Bill wouldn't have a problem. What's three second years compared to the curses in Egypt?" George laughed, and his older brother smirked. He was leaving tomorrow, and he likely wouldn't be back for a long time.

We talked for a long time, never realizing the time. It was only when all of us started yawning that it was decided we should head for bed. But before I split off to room with Ginny, I said my goodnights to Fred and George, but I was stopped afterwards by Charlie.

"I hope you're ready to lose tomorrow." He folded his arms, though a smile was never lost on his face.

"You wish." I raised an eyebrow, taunting him.

"You've got a lot of nerve, Faye." He was clearly impressed. He was about to start teasing me again, but I cut him off by nearly suffocating him in a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you next year." Charlie was like the older brother I never had, someone I could go to for anything.

Taken aback, he smiled, resigning, "I reckon I'll miss you too."

But he still wasted no time in telling me how I ought to go to sleep and rest up for our game. I quietly entered Ginny's room, careful not to awake the happy little girl inside, and got ready for bed.

Guts and Glory - Trouble with Twins, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now