Starting the Year

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Before we knew it, it was already time to leave. We woke up bright and early, with bags under our eyes and tousled hair. I pushed through that exhaustion, and started feverishly checking to make sure everything was packed before we left. Ginny had a frown on her face as she watched.

"I want to go now." She said, sighing as I shoved all the new textbooks further into my luggage. I paused and looked up to her.

"I promise, you'll be there before you know it. Ron is already coming next year, and then you'll be next." Clearly not convinced, she fell back down onto her bed and stared up at the ceiling, arms crossed. She certainly was a stubborn girl.

Once everyone was awake, the house erupted into chaos. The entire family was running around, searching for their missing possessions. Bill had already left two nights before, so Mrs. Weasley luckily had one less child to worry about in the moment. That didn't, however, stop her from fretting about all of us who were there.

"Charlie, have your prefect badge? Percy, dear, put that quill down and come downstairs, we're leaving soon." She spun every which way, barking at everyone she could. Looking at us, she seemed to be thinking hard. We looked back and forth, wondering if we were somehow in trouble.

"We ought to find a way to fit 4 broomsticks into that car." She said, gesturing to the pile containing all of our Cleansweeps. I could've sworn I saw Mr. Weasley smile.

"We'll figure it out, Mum. We better get goin' or we'll be late." Charlie was already half out the door carrying his things. Mrs. Weasley was forced to agree, and she gestured for everyone to start heading outside.

I looked over at the twins grinning and quickly grabbed all my things, tough as it was, to race them. It wasn't long after that they followed, trying to catch up.
"We're allowed to be better than you at some things you know." Fred said as he passed me up.
"You may be smarter but we're quicker." George pushed past me.
"Never." I smirked, going as fast as I could. I did end up beating them, but the end result was three kids sprawled on the floor with their luggage spread all around them.
Dazed and confused, Fred lifted his head up, and held up his arm.
"Didn't break my wand, eh?"
Percy came out and didn't say a word, just shook his head. He had come to expect this from us.
Eager to escape the wrath of their mother, the three of us quickly jumped up and started nearly throwing our belongings into the car's trunk. We hopped into the backseat, to find Charlie back there laughing.
"Like I said, I couldn't be trusted to manage the lot of you. You're too much." Percy frowned.
"I can't wait until I'm made Prefect." He said, shooting a glance over at all four of us.
"Prefect seems terribly boring." George said.
"Too much time caring about everyone else." I echoed.
"What's fun about remembering rules?" Fred finished.
Percy was fuming.
Eventually everyone squeezed into the car, and we were finally off. Ginny still had a frown on her face. I imagined Ron would have the same expression, but he just kept yawning.
The ride down to London was especially loud, so I wasn't surprised to see the relief of the Weasley parent's face when we finally arrived. The children poured out of the car and started emptying the trunk. It was 10:40. The train would be leaving in just twenty minutes.
We all scrambled inside. Muggles turned to stare; it wasn't everyday you saw nine redheads speeding through a train station. One poor girl even got a small shove to the side. I apologized as we kept moving along.
Mrs. Weasley sent us through in pairs. She spaced a fair amount of time between them, so as to keep the Muggles from noticing. I, of course, was with Ginny.
Once we all got through, I took the girl aside and knelt down to be closer to her height.
"I'll write to you, I promise." I smiled, grabbing her shoulders. She gave a meek smile back.
I stood up and went to join her brothers, and she went back to slinking behind her mother.
After Mrs. Weasley smothered the boys (and myself) in a tight grip, she let us board the Hogwarts Express. We found a compartment easily enough, and the five of us left squeezed in. Within a few minutes, after we got to chatting, the train jolted and started its journey. We peered out the window and looked at the family. Before we left their sight, all of us waved back at them, some more enthusiastically then others. I caught sight again of Ginny and gave her a wink before we took off out of view.
"God, it feels great to be back." Charlie said, putting his legs up on the seat across from him.
"Last time. Feeling sad yet?" George asked, only partially being sarcastic.
The older brother chuckled.
"Aren't you gonna miss me?"
We laughed, and even Percy gave a little smile. Time passed, and soon enough, the trolley woman came.
Naturally, I bought candy for the lot of us.

Hours later, we yet again saw the all-familiar sight of the castle in the distance. Seeing it never got old, and I hoped it wouldn't in the future.
We pulled in to the station and promptly got off. This year we wouldn't be crossing the Black Lake; we would just be making our way up the normal way. Rather boring in my opinion, but if it got us up to the school, it worked for me.
We made the trek together, and I was instantly filled with joy when I saw Professor McGonagall standing there, waiting to greet the first years. She gave a small smile to me before we moved onward into the Great Hall.
Now that was a sight to see. It was lit up beautifully, even better than last year. I caught myself staring up at the ceiling, but unfortunately I only caught it after I bumped into an older Slytherin boy. He sneered before quickly moving away from me.
We found our seats at the Gryffindor table, and luckily we were right by Angelina, Lee, and Alicia.
"Jamie!" The girls turned when we sat down, and we started talking about our summers. Angelina had gone on holiday with her dad, and Alicia had gone to some Quidditch games with her family. I was pleased to hear that both of them were going to be trying out for the team here.
Fred and George were already engrossed in conversation with Lee. They were talking about all the latest finds at Gambol and Japes.
Suddenly, McGonagall entered the room with all the new students. They looked terrified, yet excited, just like we had been a year ago. They got to the front, and one by one, they were sorted into their houses. We even got a few new Gryffindors.
The hall erupted in chatter once the Sorting Ceremony was over, but as soon as Dumbledore rose up to his podium, and the talking slowly started to stop.
"Welcome back students! It's time for yet another wonderful year of learning!"
And he continued, speaking in his usual whimsical ways, for a little while longer, and I tried my best to stay focused. But I was rather distracted by the thought of knowing pounds of food would be hear any moment.
He caught my attention back when he mentioned Quidditch tryouts would be happening in a couple weeks. Angelina, Alicia, Fred, George, and myself all perked up and looked at each other excitedly. I could see Charlie looking on approvingly.
This year was going to be absolutely brilliant.

Guts and Glory - Trouble with Twins, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now