May I Sit With You?

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September 1st, 1971 ( I changed the year until I found the correct one lol, sorry for all the republishing)

Emma Alexis Prewitt was running in front of her parents in Kings Cross Station, thrilled for her Hogwarts journey to finally begin. She had been told about the wonderful magic school by her older cousins Molly, Fabian, and Gideon Prewitt along with Molly's boyfriend Arthur Weasley.

" Em wait for us dear!" Her mother called as she had reached the barrier wall.

" Why do we have to go through together? I went alone with Molly a few years back," she asked, hinting hesitantly that she was annoyed.

" Because, today is the start of a new chapter for you. A chapter that I know will change your life- and maybe our popularity forever," her father chimed in as he placed one hand on the trolly and one behind her back.

" Darling I think our status is set in concrete, but you are right about the first part," Emma felt her mother's hand on her back. " Ready my dove?" She asked.

Emma nodded with excitement and led her parents through the barrier wall to Platform 9 3/4.

Dodging the many family's and students, the three Prewitt's dropped off Emma's luggage next to the large pile at the front of the Hogwarts Express before finding a spot to stand to say their farewells.

" Feel free to owl us! You can tell us what House you get sorted into and if you make any friends-"

" Now Em make sure you watch out for yourself, there are many pure blood families out there besides the Malfoy's and Black's-"

" Oh and don't forget to send Dumbledore and the staff our love-"

" Okay, okay, okay! I get it! I'll see you at Christmas!" Emma gave her parents a quick hug before turning around and dashing to one of the many small entrances to the train.

She took a big breath and smiled as she stood against the wall of the express. It truly was just like her cousins described it to be. The oak and red woods aligning the cabins, students of all ages rushing every which way, and the smell of sweets beginning to encase the train.

As she felt the train jolt and slowly start to move she made her way down the compartment, looking for an empty cabin.

" Filth, ick go away!"

" No- er sorry, this cabin is full."

" We don't need you messing up our blood."

Were some of the answers she got once she had to start asking around to join cabins, seeing all of them were occupied.

She came across a cabin with only one occupant, a young looking boy with sandy brown hair and green eyes with a quill and parchment on his lap, a bottle of ink beside him.

Emma sighed and opened the cabin door. " Hi there, everywhere else is full... May I sit with you?" She asked politely as she did with every other cabin.

The boy didn't look up from his parchment.

" Er hello? I'm only trying to find a seat but if you don't want me here then-" a quick jerk from the train made her stumble into the doorframe.

This made the boy perk up, startled. He saw a girl standing in the entrance, rubbing her upper arm. Placing his quill and parchment down he stood up with a small smile, motioning to the other comfy bench across from his spot.

" Thank you," she said. She watched as the boy quickly sat back down and grabbed his quill and parchment, writing something on it. When he was done he turned it to her.

No problem, she read. What's your name?

Emma gave him a strange look. " Emma Alexis Prewitt, yours?" She questioned, giving him another look for staring at her mouth.

Charles Adam Stone, the boy wrote next. Nice to meet you Emily. He jotted down next before showing her.

" It's Emma," she lowered her eyebrows in confusion, and Charles tilted his head before giving a look of realization.

Sorry Emma, I'm deaf and I can't hear at all. That's why I have to stare at your lips as you speak, my parents are teaching me lip reading. Charles smiled when Emma reacted.

It was a ton nicer than most people acted around him. A deaf pure blood? Most wizards would faint at the idea, or blow up at him for being ' dumb and a waste of effort to keep alive in the wizarding world'.

Emma's reaction however was kind. She laughed understandably and he caught the words ' okay, makes sense now' as she spoke. He nodded, turning the parchment back toward himself.

Are you excited for Hogwarts? What House do you want to get? What's your blood status? I'm curious, sorry... Emma read next.

She shrugged. " Of course I'm excited, I'd probably want to be in Ravenclaw like my mother but I wouldn't mind the others- except Slytherin... And I-I'm a pure blood but I come from a very long line of blood traitors," Emma tried to speak as clear as possible, Charles nodding as he understood most of what she was saying.

Cool! I don't mind, I'm a pure blood as well. I think I'd want to be in Gryffindor like my mother- funny, what House was your father in? He asked next.

Their conversations lasted the entire length of the ride. Eventually Emma asked Charles if he could try to teach her sign language and his reaction was priceless.

No one, besides him and his parents, knew sign. Everyone he'd tried to make friends with when he was younger would ignore him, bully him, or even try to kick him away- which they did. He thought sign language was special and should be learned by everyone, he just wasn't expecting Emma to ask him so soon or at all even.

Maybe it was just his picture like imagination filling with excitement, but he could tell that a small spark was lit between them, starting a friendship he could only hope would last awhile.

So how was this? I know it's a bit short for me but I thought it was super cute and full of fluff! If anyone has any questions about anything make sure to comment them, if you enjoyed the one shot make sure to vote, and if you haven't already- make sure to follow me! Actually wait, I have a question: when does Fabian and Gideon die and what Houses were they in?

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