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I don't have a very busy day now-a-days. Tony has been off visiting other countries. I think he's just having a hard time dealing with his parents' death and everything that happened with Steve. Happy and I are orchestrating the move from the old Avengers facility to the new Avengers facility. Peter goes to school and after I pick him up and we go patrolling. It's a bit of fun for me, since I'm not allowed to do any "serious" superhero activities. I threw my backpack over my shoulders as I walked out of the old Avengers tower. "See you later Happy." I shouted, hearing my voice echo as it bounced off the empty walls. I smiled when I heard him mumble a goodbye. He doesn't like me much. He doesn't like anyone very much...

I stood right outside of Peter's school just as the bell rang. I had my arms crossed over my chest and sunglasses covering my eyes as I saw Peter running from the school entrance. I saw him smile when he saw me. I gave him a small smile as he jogged towards me, the two of us walking away from the school. We had only taken a few steps when I heard someone yell, "Hey Penis Parker!" I stopped as I looked back at Peter, who rolled his eyes.

"Is that Flash Thompson?" I asked Peter, moving my sunglasses down so I could see him. Peter sighed and nodded. "I'll be right back." I felt Peter's eyes go wide as I stalked up to the annoying kid. He didn't look scared as he pulled out his phone. I got close up to him and moved my sunglasses so I could look him in the eyes. "Listen. Here's what's going to happen. You're going to stop calling Peter - Penis Parker. And if you don't I will tell everyone your real name Eugene Thompson, ok?" He slowly nodded, putting his phone away. He didn't even get a chance to record anything I said. I put my sunglasses back over my eyes as I walked back to Peter. "His real name is Eugene. If he ever calls you that again, tell everyone." Peter just nods and I smile at him.

"Thanks Clara." I wink at the kid, fist-bumping him as we walk away.

Our next stop was the deli. I refused to let Peter do any "superhero" work on an empty stomach. His aunt would kill me. As we walked into the deli, I smiled at the man behind the counter, petting the cat. "What's up, Mr. Delmar?" Peter speaks, nodding towards the man behind the counter.

"Hey, Mr. Parker. Hello, Ms. Williams. Number five, right?" I smiled at the man, grabbing a jelly beans bag.

"Yeah, um, and, uh, with pickles, and can you smush it down real flat? Thanks." Mr Delmar nodded, placing the order.

"How's your aunt?" Peter and I looked at each other. This happened more than Peter would like to admit.

"Yeah, she's alright." I told him, both of us nodding. Mr. Delmar turns to speak to his staff.

"La tía de é les una italiana muy bellissima." {His aunt is a very hot Italian woman.} Peter bit the inside of his cheek like he was about to say something stupid.

"¿Cómo está tu hija, eh?" {How is your daughter, huh?} I looked away, trying not to laugh in front of Mr Delmar. The deli staff hoots behind the counter. Mr Delmar's grin fades.

"Ten dollars." Peter and I shake our head, both of us still smiling.

"It's five dollars." Peter said, taking his wallet out.

"For that comment, ten dollars." I looked back at Peter.

"Ok, then we'll charge your comment five dollars." I told him, shrugging as I leaned over the counter. Peter pulls out some cash from his wallet and hands it over to Mr Delmar. Mr Delmar takes the money with a grumpy look on his face.

"Here's five dollars." Peter moves toward a fat cat lying on the counter and pets him. "What's up, Murph? How you doing, buddy?" When he returns to collect his food, Mr. Delmar strikes up a conversation. I start to throw my hair up in a ponytail.

"So, how's school?" Both Mr Delmar and I look over at Peter.

"Ah, you know, it's boring. Got better things to do." I rolled my eyes. Teenagers.

"Stay in school, kid. Stay in school. Otherwise, you're gonna end up like me." We both looked back at Mr Delmar. He had a point but I wouldn't let him know that.

"This is great." Peter said, making me smile at him.

"Best sandwiches in Queens." He hands Peter his sandwich. The two of us leave the store, running across the street. Peter has his paper bag in this hand. We pass under an elevated train track, holding up my hand at a cab that honks at us as we run into an alley. My suit was right under my regular clothes, so I just slipped them off and I was ready. But Peter wasn't quite as advanced as me, I suppose. I turned around as he quickly changed, putting on the suit. I heard him knock over a garbage can and I scratched behind my ear. "Are you almost ready?" I asked over my shoulder.

"I'm ready." I turn around as he throws the mask on, hitting the spider emblem, making the suit fit him perfectly. Peter grabs me by the waist as he jumps us up onto the roof of the building. With our feet hanging over the ledge, Peter gave me half of his sandwich.


A bicycle theft. He posed for some photos. Gave directions to an older woman, who in return gave him a churro. A car theft that turned out not to be a car theft, just a misunderstanding. A sweet old man that really resembled a comic book writer I had heard of as a kid.

"You have reached the voicemail box of... Happy Hogan." The voicemail on speaker spoke. I rolled my eyes, making Peter chuckle a little.

"Hey, Happy! Um, here's my report for tonight. I stopped a grand theft bicycle. Couldn't find the owner, so I just left a note. Um... I helped this lost, old lady. She was really nice and bought me a churro. So I just, um, feel like I could be doing more. You know? Just curious when the next real mission is gonna be. So, yeah, just call me back. It's Peter. Parker." Peter hangs up his phone and sighs. "Why would I tell him about the churro?" Peter looks over to me and nudges my shoulder. "You think I should be doing more, right?" I looked back at Peter and nodded.

"Peter, what you're doing now is like a baby's first steps. I think you're ready to run, maybe not too fast. But I think Happy and Tony should be giving you more rope."

A warning signal blinks on his web-shooter. Web fluid low. Peter ejects the cartridge, then scrambles to catch it, standing sideways off the fire escape. I looked around as the sun began to set, sighing. "Clara... you might want to check this out." My eyebrows furrowed as I leaned over the edge of the building, seeing 4 men entering one of the closed banks.

"Finally, something good." I smirked back at Peter, both of us jumping off the ledge. 

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